61. silver wolf agency

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After lunch I went back home finding Hawks playing with Luca. Teasing him with a floating feather.

He turns around as he hears me walking in. "Oh hey! Welcome home!" He smiled getting up. "How was train-"

I cut him off by giving him the biggest hug.

"Eh- _______? Are you oka-"

"I'm sorry."

"Huh? For what?"

"For yelling at you this morning. I realized today that I didn't even thank you for last night. For taking me away from that guy at the club. Thank you so much. Thank you for taking care of my drunk self last night." I sighed and he wraps his arms tighter around my small body.

"You don't have to be sorry. I did it cause...I care about you."

His warms bear hugs. His strong hugs. For some reason it made me feel, better.

- time skip to next morning -

Todays the day. Yuzu's dying wish was for me to take over her agency she worked so hard to get. To be honest I'm kinda nervous but, I need to make her proud.

As I'm walking to the front door I pet Luca one last time then Hawks called my name.

"Wait ______!" He flew down to me and handed me my mask.

"Oh thank you." I smiled putting it on, it goes over my nose and covers my ears and all you can see is my red eyes. The mask also has a somewhat filter so I can breathe through. It's pretty sick and it's all thanks to Hatsume.

"You're nervous huh?" He asked as we walked out together.

"Yeah. I'm assuming you're coming with me." I said making sure I had everything on my hero costume.

"Im just flying over there with you. I gotta go to my agency too." He said putting his yellow shades on.

As he flew to the SWA, I bolted as fast as I could through the streets. Some say they see a yellow blur when I bolt through the city.


Hawks and I make it to SWA and for some reason, it's quiet. A little too quiet around here.

"Here we are! Good luck _____!" Hawks said and flew off.

I stared at the entrance and didn't know what to do. This is YUZU'S agency not mine. She built this from the ground up. I can't fail her. I just can't.

I walked in and as soon as I walked in, there were conversations happening, phone calls happening simultaneously, people helping each other out, working together to help send sidekicks out into the city.

Even without Yuzu here....they all still strive to keep this city safe..

Yuzu...I'm so proud of you.._______ thought.

I walk up to the front desk, without even saying a word, the girl looks up at me and freaks out.

"SAPHIRA!" She said and everyone froze and came rushing towards the entrance. Even people on the second floor and the floor below came.

They circled around me and cheered.

"WELCOME MS. SAPHIRA!!" They all bowed.




"Okay okay, settle down. Im surprised you guys are still operational without...someone here." I said and everyone smiled.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now