46. upgrades

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"What's wrong _____?" Dabi asked.

"My hero costume is done for, it's not even a costume anymore." I chuckled lifting it up, showing Dabi. It was shredded and covered in blood. This was my last pair. I wasn't being mindful that the one I had this entire time was my last pair and it's ripped up from when I was back home in the US.

I seriously thought I had more pairs.

"I have to get a new one. Plus I've been thinking about an upgrade too. I gotta go to UA and talk to Hatsume."

"Who's that?"

"She made my hero costume. She makes them along with items for them to improve powers of quirks. She's the best person to go to."

"Alright, and are you going to work right after that?" Dabi asked.

"Yeah, I have to. I can't slack off. Now that I know how to keep my darkness under control I need to train more. I still have to get stronger."

"Maybe you should ask that girl to make you something for your darkness." He said.

I chuckled and nod.

But I also realized something. Dabi doesn't say anyone's names. Especially females. He only says mine. He doesn't even call Yuzu by her name, it's just wolf.

- time skip -

"Ahh it's been a while since I've been here." I said looking all around, and walked to the main building. When I walked inside, I heard a voice but there was no one to be found. School was in session so I was confused from the empty hallways.

"Down here!"

I looked down and there was the cutest little....actually, I don't even know what he is.

"Oh um, hello."

"I'm principal Nezu! You must be Pro Hero Saphira am I correct?" He said with a joyful tone.

"Yes sir." I replied getting on my knees and shook his little paw. It surprised me how soft his fur is.

"Can't believe you know who I am, even in my regular clothes." I said pushing my glasses up.

"I know by those red eyes of yours, besides the students here talk about you. Some even say you inspire them to be the best."

I chuckled softly. "Thank you. It means a lot."

I then asked him where Hatsume works and he said he would show me the way. But he starts climbing on my leg and shivers went down my spine. He gets up and sits on my shoulder.

This...is awkward... ______ thought.

We made our way to the other side of the building and came across a door.

"Okay! Here we are!" He said climbing down.

"Thank you sir. I appreciate it."

"No no thank you Saphira! You've done so much and done a fantastic job at keeping this place safe. I heard what you did with that organization! Now I must be off. I need to make some tea!" He said walking away.

I knocked and walked inside.

"Hello?" I looked around that's when I heard things fall in the back.


I quickly rush over and see a girl with pink hair and yellow eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked helping her stand up.

"Y-Yeah. I just missed my footing and fell and this fell on my head." She chuckled rubbing her head.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now