11. beach day

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It was around 11:44 am and I had just started to wake up. I start to get off the bed trying so hard not to wake up Dabi as he slept on top of me. He feels my body move from under his. He groans as he starts to wake up.

"Where are you goiiiing? Come baaack." He said lifting his head up with his eyes still closed.

"Haha I'm just going to the bathroom mkay?" I smiled.

"Okaaaaay." He snuggles back under the covers.

I went straight to the bathroom to wash my face. But that's when I noticed my neck was purple. I lifted my head up and I gasped, seeing nothing but bruises on my neck.

What the-.....this.....this must've been from last night....oh no... I thought as I felt around my neck gently..

"I should cover this up before he sees. Or else it'll drive him crazy." I muttered. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I took out my makeup bag. And just as I was about to apply it Dabi walks in. Talk about bad timing.

"Baaabe. You're taking forever." He yawned.

I turned around quickly covering the bruises with my hair. "Oh Goodmorning Dabi." She gave him a fake smile.

"Goooodmorning beautiful." He says with his raspy morning voice.

He walks up to me as he placed both hands on my cheeks as he pulled me in toward his lips as he kisses me passionately. My eyes close as I forget whatever I was doing. Without me noticing, he moves my hair behind my ears. And just as he was about to kiss my neck he gasps.

"What-..."He backed away slowly as he took his hands off of me. His lips quiver as he stood in shock.

"Dabi?" That's when I realized he moved my hair away. I quickly covered them up with my hands.

"Don't try to cover them. I already fucking saw them." Dabi fell to his knees and got angry.

"______....I'm.....I'm so sorry. Please please please forgive me. I had no right to do that to you. I can't forgive myself for hurting you like that!" He balled up his fists hard.

He was angry at himself.

"D-Dabi it's ok...really.." I got down on my knees as he pleaded for forgiveness.

"No...no it's not. How can I be a boyfriend if I can't even treat you right?! I.....I promise....I'll make it up to you....I swear it!"

I smiled softly. "Okay Dabi...I'll take your word for it okay?" I helped him get up on his feet. He hugs me tightly, as I hugged him back. He pulls away and places his hand on my cheek and kisses me so passionately.

*knock *knock *knock* "Hellooooo?"

"Ughh every time we have a moment to ourselves someone always bugs us." He growled as he pulled away. "Who the fuck is it now?"

"I'm not sure. But can you get it for me? So that I can cover this up."

He nodded as he made his way to the door.

Dabi's POV

I opened the door only to see a short pink girl with antennas coming out of her head.

"Ah!" She jumped not expecting you to answer. "Uh..hello." She said awkwardly.

"What the fuck do you want?" I glared at her.

"Uhhh I'm uh...*clears throat* here for _____. Is she home?" She raises an eyebrow as she scans my entire body covered with scars.

"Why? Who the fuck are you?"

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now