68. manifest

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"_______?" Someone was poking my face, and I can hear a voice but it wasn't crystal clear. I still can't feel my body so I must be dead.

"______? Hey! _______!" The voice became clear as I opened my eyes slowly.

"Finally! You passed out on me for a second!"


How is this happening right now?!

*literally 30 seconds ago*

______'s falling fast as she's screaming for her life with weak Luca in her arms, suddenly she hears sounds. As if glass was breaking.

Pink crystals making their way towards ______ as Michru sliding on it, this technique being the technique ______ showed her back then.

"I gotcha! Hi ______!!" Michiru smiles as she catches me in her arms.


What is she doing here?!

She slides around the corner and lays me down as I'm still not able to move my body.

"Haha it's good thing I came to Japan!" Michiru smirked proudly then raises a brow seeing the conditions my dog and I were in.

That's her though, she's very prideful but never is aware of her surroundings.

"Are you okay?!" She asked and I nod slowly but my vision becomes blurry and my head feels fuzzy.

Sure enough I pass out.

*present time*

"I-Im glad you're here. S-Step back." I groaned as she took Luca out my arms.

I focused all the paralysis towards my lightning. I clenched my fists as soon as I feel all the force is in my palms.

Bolts flicker around my body and sure enough my body was surrounded by bolts. I released bolts in the sky, from afar it looks like as if someone just got struck by lightning.

I stood up as bolts still flicker around my body and Michiru smirked.

"Heh you always surprise me."

I put my bolts away and I immediately tended Luca's wounds. To Michiru I might seem calm, cool and collected but in reality I'm furious!

I'm going to kill that bitch.


"HAHAHA FATHER! I HOPE YOU SAW THAT! AND I HOPE YOU'RE WATCHING FOR THE NEXT ROUND!!" Ghost smirked licking Hawks's face again, causing the paralysis to take even more affect.

"You know Hawks, you're not that bad looking." Scanning is limp body and wings, looking into his eyes. She moves him over the edge of the building.

"Too bad you're in love with Saphira. Or else I probably would've considered keeping you alive with me. How do you even know that she loves you back?" She asked and Hawks didn't say a word.

Even if he wasn't paralyzed, he still wouldn't have said a word cause he really doesn't know if she loves him as much as he does to her. But, that's not going to stop him.

"That's what I thought. Say hello to my disappointing brother for me."

Before she drops Hawks, crystals came rising up fast blocking Ghost's view. Seeing those familiar crystals, Hawks knew exactly who it was.

"What the hell?!"

"Hey! What's up! I heard you were looking for me!" 😁 Michiru smiled as she's at the top of her crystals.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now