39. a pain in the ass

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"I've missed you so much Michi!" _____ cried as she tightened her grip around Michiru.

"I missed you too ______."

Hawks smiled seeing the two cry and hug.

I pulled away and caressed her cheek. "You're finally back.." I smiled.

"Yeah....you finally found me." Michiru smiled. She looks behind me and sees Hawks.

"You must be Hawks?"

"Hehe yes I am. It's nice to finally meet you...Michiru." He smiled.

"Where am I?" Michiru asked.

"You're in the hospital. How are you feeling Michiru?" I asked sitting back down.

"I feel weak and sore." Michiru said as she looks at her arms and legs that were wrapped in bandages. "I'm feeling pretty hungry too but I have a bad headache right now." She laughed.

"Don't worry you'll get some food very soon."

"So you finally know how to use your quirks huh?" Michiru smiled. "It's about time hahaha!"

"Yeaah." I blushed. "It took me quite some time. It's all thanks to Hawks though, and Yuzu."

"Who's Yuzu?" Michiru asked.

"She's my best friend."

"What you replaced me?" Michiru said jokingly.

"Whaaat! No, I can have two best friends." I laughed.

"So...are you finally a hero yet?" Michiru asked and I blushed even harder.


"What? Really? That's awesome _____! I'm proud of you. You beat me to it!" She laughed. "So what's your hero name?"


"Isn't...that your mom's middle name?"

"Yeah...can't believe you remember."

"Well, I remember a lot of things now..." she said and her smile disappears.

Yeah...a lot of things. I can't believe I was part of an illegal organization and nearly killed _____ and the other heroes... Michiru thought as she looks away.

I noticed Michiru was bothered by something. I was about to say something until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Hawks said and Miles and Yuzu walk in.

"Sorry is this a bad time?" Miles asked.

"I heard a loud commotion coming from this room and I had to come check it out, but Miles told me to wait. He said you were handling the situation in here. I guess you never stop huh _____?"


Miles looks up at Michiru and his eyes widened.

"M-Michiru?" He said as his lips quivered.


"You're finally back!" He smiled widely.

"Ah so this is your best friend huh?" Yuzu asked as her nose twitched.

I looked at Miles and smiled. I got up and walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. "Thank you...Miles." ______ cried.

"Oh uh yeah. Wait for what?" He asked.

"For being so nice to Michiru and taking care of her back then." I cried as he gasped softly. He hugs me back and says , "You're welcome." He smiled.

I pulled away and Miles walks up to Michiru and looks deep into her brown eyes. "I can't believe it worked." He said.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now