58. roommates

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- next day -

"What do you mean you're not going to work? Doesn't the Number 2 hero need to be patrolling 24/7?" I asked as I sat down on the couch with a cup of coffee.

"Well cause I wanted to stay here with you. Plus that's what the Number 1 hero is for." He replied sitting down with his cup.

"Why the hell would you want to do that?" I asked.

"Because *sip* I like being around you." He smiled and I tried so hard not to blush.

"So what are you going to do today?" He asked.

"Well I was thinking of going shopping to buy new clothes." I replied.

"You mean, like a date?"

"Yeeeaah sure, why not?"

"Eh? Really?"

"No Hawks." I giggled rolling my eyes.


"I'm gonna go get ready then." I went upstairs got dressed in ripped boyfriend jeans and I put one of Hawks's shirts on cause I barely have any clothes left.


"Oh my! Pro Hero Hawks and Saphira! Please take all the time you need! It's such an honor to have you two in my store!" The owner bowed.

Walking around through every aisle. Getting clothes and hygiene stuff including tampons.

"Hey _____, what are those?" Hawks asked looking over my shoulder, pointing at the box of tampons.

"Uh...they're tampons."


I just laughed at his stupidity because everyone knows what a period is...right? Even Hawks?

"Hey ______?"


"Can we get some food after this? I'm staaarving!" He whined.

"Yeah sure." I replied as we walked up to the register with a cart full of clothes and other things.

As the cashier was scanning each item, she had the audacity to ask, "did you find everything you needed Mrs. Hawks?" And I froze. My face turned so red.

"I-It's just Saphira ma'am. I'm not married to this idiot here."

"Heeey!" He whined I chuckled.

"Oh I apologize. But you're total is going to be 10,000 yen."

I opened my wallet and then it clicked. I spent most of my money on groceries for Hawks cause he had no food!

Shit! I only have 5000 yen. ______ thought.

"Can you just leave half of the stuff here? Sorry I don't have enough." She said and the cashier nods.

"Wait a minute. Here I got it." Hawks said pulling out cash.

"What? No. I'm not letting you pay for my stuff!"

"Oh and you can?" He asked and I growled.

"Ugh fine, I'll pay you back once I start working again."

"You don't have to do that. You do enough for me, honestly your company is all I need." He smiled and I blushed a wee bit.

We took the bags and walked out.

"But you know....Mrs. Hawks doesn't sound too bad." He started laughing but I wasn't.

"Oh shut up!" I smiled.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now