63. WHY?! pt. 1

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I woke up to hands being placed on me and touching my clothes and hair. I sat up straight and flipped and brought an ice blade out.

I looked over and saw a 3 kids and 3 adults looking scared and starved.

"Huh?" I raised a brow.

"I told you it was Saphira!" The small girl said and the kids all ran towards me giving me a big hug and the adults a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Where are we?" I asked as I comforted the small children.

"I don't know. We've all been captured by this thing. I'm Celeste and this is Eddy and Siren. These kids, are not ours but we're protecting them as much as we can." Celeste said and frowned at the kids.

"You're here to save us right?" The small boy named Erin asked as he tugged my costume.

"Y-Yes. I am." I hesitated cause I don't even know where we are.

I looked all around the cave with torches lit. The kids went back to the adults as I continue to look around.

I came to one corner of the cave and froze. I gasped as I saw hundreds of skeletons.

This must be some sort of feeding station.

"Oh no.." I looked back at the group and thought how am I supposed to get them out?

"Alright, everyone grab on to this." I said turning around and brought out vines so they can hold on to so we can find a way to escape and not lose each other.

I made sure the three kids were behind me and the adults last.


After what seemed like hours of finding an escape route, we finally found an opening to the cave.

"I see light!" Siren said.

"I see it too! I missed the moonlight and stars!" One kid said.

We made a run for it and we made it out but, something doesn't seem right.

That escape, was too easy.

They all took a deep breath of fresh air until siren says, "hey, where's Celeste?"

I gasped and looked everywhere. She was just here a minute ago!

I knew that escape was too easy.

"Stay together!"

"Oh no big sis Celeste is gone!" Erin cried and soon the small girl Ailita and other boy Sosuke start crying.

"No no no no no it's okay! We'll find her-"

"It's about time they try to escape! I was getting really bored!!"

I gasped as I looked above the hill and see two men. One of them with Celeste passed out in their arms.

"Let her go!" I clenched my fists.

Who the hell are those two fools?? He's not my moms killer so why are they here? But they do have his eyes...._______ thought.

"Or what?" One smirked and out of nowhere I hear hissing from behind us and seeing bright eyes.

It was a dragon. A grey dragon that's about the same height as the Silver Wolf.

I took a step back as I looked at the rest of the victims.

How am I going to this? How am I supposed to protect the group, save Celeste and fight this small dragon? And is this....my moms killer in front of my eyes???

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