25. hangover

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"Ughhh, I don't feel so good.." She muttered as she sat up, just barely waking up.

"Goodmorning ______. You feeling ok babe?" He asked as he was watching tv.

"I don't kn-" I suddenly felt the need to throw up. I immediately ran to the bathroom with my hands covering my mouth and went straight to the toilet and threw up violently, a lot.... It was so disgusting.

Dabi comes rushing in and gets down on his knees and holds my hair back and rubs my back as I'm throwing up. It was never ending. It felt like I was throwing up for 5 minutes straight.

"Augh...what the *cough* hell." She groaned. Dabi ties my hair in a messy ponytail and rushes to get a towel. I had left over throw up on my mouth.


"Thank you babe." I replied as I wiped my face.

"Babe I don't *sneeze* feel so good."

"Bless you. I know. You came home last night passed out drunk and with a fever." He replied as I leaned against the toilet. Luca comes running into the bathroom checking on me. He cries as his ears were droopy.

"I'm ok Luca. I'm just feeling-" She threw up again, and he cries more. "Sick..."

"______ maybe I should take you to the hospital." Dabi suggested, but I didn't want to go the hospital just because I'm throwing up.

"No babe *cough* I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital-" She replied but throws up again.

"You need to."



"Ugh don't look at me while I'm throwing up. *cough* there's nothing attractive about it."

He sighs. "I don't care how you look right now, all I care about is your health."

"Babe trust me I'm fine." She replied as he made a face and crossed his arms.

"I just need to rest that's all." I replied and got up on my feet and flushed the toilet. I head to the sink and washed my mouth. Dabi continues to rub my back as he sighed.

"Thanks babe. I appreciate you looking out for me."

"Of course. What kind of person would I be if I didn't?"

"You have a point."

______ sneezes again as she has the sniffles.

"Ugh I feel like shit. My body aches and my throat hurts and I feel hot but cold at the same time." She groaned.

"Well you're sick that's why. You have a fever too." He said as he felt my forehead, I was heating up as my face turned slightly red.

"And what's worse, you're hungover. You drank too much last night."

"Ugh I don't even remember coming home last night. Did Yuzu bring me home?"

"Yeah she did. She told me what happened."

"What happened?"

"You fell into a pool with it being freezing cold out and afterwards you got a cold and a fever, while you were drunk. Being sick and drunk really isn't a good combo." He scoffed.

"Wow. I wish I didn't drink so much. I guess I got a little carried away haha."

"What you need to do right now is soak in the bath. Relax your body. I can make you a cup of tea to make you feel better." He said as I smiled.

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