69. night flight

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I sat on the balcony of the house, just enjoying the view of the beautiful city lights of Tokyo as I'm enjoying my hot cup of tea. It was around 8:24 pm. That's when something blocks the moonlight in the sky.

I look up and see Hawks flying mid air. He slowly floats down and lands on the balcony.

"Hey there baby bird." He smiled as his gold brown eyes are looking directly into my soul.

"What now Keigo?"

"Whaat I can't stop by and say hi?"

"Well, hi." I said giving him a bit of attitude. "So what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be out doing missions?"

"I was but, then I thought I'd just stop by and say hi. It's been a minute since I last seen you."

Keigo has been going on a lot of solo missions recently. I've never seen him so busy, it never used to be like that before. I never thought I'd actually miss his company.

"Yeah, you're always out and about and either coming home very late or not at all." I said rolling my eyes. "But aren't you quite the charmer."

"I try." He smiled as he walks up to me as I stood up and looked up at him and just admire his features.

I smile at Keigo and caressed his cheek. He closes his eyes, feeling my soft warm touch. He then lifts his hand and caresses mine. But then we stop immediately because yes, it's been a while since we last saw each other.

I guess me and him really don't know where we stand. But we just know something about one person and that person being Keigo having deep feelings for me.

But we're nothing more than friends.

We're just friends who like each other. Cause he doesn't know the truth about me. About how I feel.

I'm just not ready.

Or am I?

I don't know.

But I do know one thing for sure. I really really do have feelings for Keigo.

But what's stopping me? What's stopping him? Yes, it has been a while since the whole Ghost incident, and ever since then he's been going on his solo missions we really haven't spent a lot time together.

We haven't had the proper time to talk about what she said that night.

Oh god..

I'm panicking am I?

"When is this long term mission gonna end? You're never home and being the person that you are who can barely take care of himself...makes me worried." I chuckled and he sighs.

I'm sorry baby bird....I don't know when it'll end. Trust me...I want to be here...at home with you, but you can't know even if I did know.. Keigo thought.

We stared at each other for a good couple minutes. We both blush and he breaks the silence.

"So uh ______, I was uh wondering if you uh wanted to fly with me?"

"Me? Fly with you? HA! Don't make me laugh Keigo. You know I can't fly when I've been trying for weeks while you were gone." I said remembering the many times I've tried at the SWA with Ryo.

When Keigo told me about what happened that night, about me having wings apparently it shocked me. But then I remembered what he first said to me around the time I met him.

"Quirks can develop over time. Maybe with your light and telekinesis you can pull it off.."

I shake my head as I focus back to the conversation.

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