53. heart of a hero, soul of a wolf

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A/N: get your tissues out and ready ladies and gents...🙃

‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

Katsuki's POV

"Yo Bakugo! Where you going man??" Kiri asked.

No! Don't tell me a villain got to her! I thought as I'm running for my life towards the entrance.

"Bakugo wait up!" I look behind me and see them running after me. I turned back around seeing Mr. Aizawa and I stopped and my heart dropped when I got a closer look. _______ was terribly injured and Shirou was in way worse condition than her.

Everyone else finally caught up and they were in pure shock.

"______!" Mina cried out.

______ looks back seeing all of us.


What?! What is this idiot talking about? Katsuki thought.

I looked up towards where she was looking and saw her lame ass boyfriend.

What the hell is that bastard doing here?! Does he have something to do with this?? Katsuki thought as he clenched his fists and smoke was coming from his hands.

He was filled with anger.

"Bakugo don't....That's a villain right there. We can't jump into action without knowing what his quirk is. For all we know he could've done this to both Saphira and Shirou. So he must be powerful and we can not underestimate him. You cannot act without a plan!" Mr. Aizawa said as he had his arm out preventing me from running. Thinking about what to do in this situation, he looks down at Shirou wondering what had happened to them and if he really did do this to her and Saphira.

"YOU.....YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND!! THE ONLY PERSON WHO'S BEEN THERE FOR ME SINCE I GOT HERE!! AND I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIIIIS!" ______ yelled out as her voice vibrates. I noticed a dark aura around her body. Black veins and her eyes turning pitch black. Black lightning bolts were forming around her. I realized that she wasn't even controlling her quirk. It was like she was being taken control by her darkness.

She was filled with so much rage.

I've..never seen her like this before...what the hell even happened?! Katsuki thought.

_______ shot hundreds of black bolts towards Dabi. Dabi counters it with his flames.

The collision of both attacks created an explosion blowing everyone back. Her and Dabi started fighting, and her power....was incredible. It was something no one has never seen before. I've never seen someone....so powerful. She....might even...surpass All Might...

Aizawa shielded Shirou from any debris as Kiri shielded Mina as he hardened. Denki and Sero stood behind me as I blew any debris that came my way.

"DON'T FORGET MEEE!!" She growled as the darkness consumed her. She had lost control of herself and her quirk.

Shirou getting hurt must've triggered her! fuck! FUCK! what do I do?? I need to help her! Katsuki thought.

I'm so damn frustrated! I don't know what to do...I feel helpless. I clenched my fists hard.

Soon pro hero Vlad King and Present Mic came to help.

"Erasure! What's going on?"

"Tch! I don't even know! But stay back! You're gonna get hit!"

"Well then, it looks like the fun is over now that you have more pros by your side." Dabi smirks and bursts into flames and disappears.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" _______ was screaming in so much pain as black bolts flicker and strike all over the place creating havoc. The wind was so strong and heavy from the attack, I kept sliding back. Lightning bolts were going everywhere almost hitting everyone nearby.

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