34. saphira vs. izanami

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A/N: I didn't realize it but this picture reminds me of y/n and Michiru. In this case Michiru is Dabi, who was a great kid younger, but turns out to be a villain in the end. As for y/n, she is Hawks, who didn't really have that great of a childhood growing up but still turned out to be one hell of a hero in the end! 💕


‼️⚠️mature content ⚠️‼️

Explosions and collisions collide as the warehouse is nothing anymore. Moving faster than the eye can see. Their power together was nothing like anyone has ever seen.

As blades collide, they looked into each other's eyes deeply as they were both out of breath. Izanami smirks as Saphira tries her best to keep Izanami's blade up. They both jump far back and try to catch both of their breaths.

"Michiru please stop! I don't want to have to keep fighting you!" Saphira said, she had minor cuts on her body from previous attacks from Izanami.

"Shut up! I already told you my name isn't Michiru! It's IZANAMI!" Izanami lifts her hand and crystals come from underground and race towards Saphira.

Saphira bolted her way out of the way and ran towards Izanami. Without realizing it, Saphira appears behind her and punches Izanami. She goes flying back but she breaks her fall with crystals.

She wipes the blood from her lips and smirks and looks up at Saphira who had bolts flickering around her body and her hair stood up from her lightning.

"You know....Saphira. It's not too late to join us heh heh. You...have a powerful quirk. You can benefit our little...project."

"To hell with that! Like I'd ever join you! Michiru....I know you're in there somewhere. If you can hear me, give me a sign...please." Saphira clenched her fists as the bolts flickering around her go away.

"Tch! Keep talking...she's never gonna come-." Izanami was interrupted as she feels an utmost amount of pain...

"GAAAAAH!" Izanami held her head in her hands as her eyes went wide.


Izanami stops screaming and stands back up straight and smirks.

"Haha just kidding!" Izanami laughs.

"You're a monster..." Saphira said as Izanami rolls her eyes.

"HahaHAHAHA oh Saphira. I think of myself as a....god. Hahaha."

"Michiru please I-"

"You what Saphira?! This Michiru is gone! SHE'S DEAD! SHE'S NEVER COMING BACK!" Izanami growled as she was annoyed being called Michiru.

Saphira grinded her teeth. Izanami slowly walks towards her and created a longer gem sword in her hand.

"I've been thinking...." Izanami pulls her sword up and rested it on her shoulder and stopped walking as she's 10 feet away from ______.

"You really think you can stop me and my family?"

Your family?? ______ thought.

"You really think you and your heroes can stop us?" Izanami smirks.

Images of Iris and Tem fighting Katsuki as he's desperately trying to fight them both off.

And images of Deku fighting his hardest against Kai and Riku to save Haru come into place.

"You call this a family?! Their nothing but a bunch of criminals who kill people and commit crimes! They're villains! And that's something that you're not Michiru!"

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