36. rescue

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The madness...it was finally over. Smoke was welcomed by the sunrise, broken crystals were everywhere as it shines from the sun and craters left as well.

Saphira was being lifted up carefully and placed in someone's arms. She could feel the fur holding her closely to their body. She opens her swollen eyes slightly as she starts to wake up.

Her vision was blurry, but she was able to point out who it was carrying her.

"Y-Yuzu.." she said weakly looking at her furry face. Seeing a helicopter fly by in the sky.

"Huh? _______! Thank goodness. Don't worry I'm here...we all are." Yuzu said.

A while back, Endeavor had finished off Kai. He had went to the battlefield and saw everyone on the ground unconscious, along with the gem with Kyro frozen in it. He had called for reinforcements, including Shirou.

Hawk's other sidekicks who were at a different agency came along to help with Endeavor's rescue team. Tokoyami was one of them.

He quickly had gone to his classmates aid, as the others helped out Izanami and Hawks.

Hawks wasn't unconscious, he was just too weak to keep himself standing up. He had lost most of his feathers, they were little nubs for now.

"Y-Yuzu...where's...Iza-nami?" She asked so weakly.

Yuzu smiles softly, "always thinking about others than your own self huh? She's fine...she's conscious but I don't know how long she'll be awake for." She said as one of Endeavor's sidekicks was carrying Izanami in their arms.

Izanami lifts her head up slowly and says, "wait...a minute." She lifts her hand up weakly and lifts her two fingers. Suddenly the ground shook as the Jade Prison was retracting and coming down.

Kyro gasps and his eyes roll back and he fell to the ground unconscious. He had third degree burns all over his body from ______'s Demon-Flame, along with open wounds from his blood.

Endeavor's sidekicks rushed over to him and took him into custody. Izanami sighs in relief and lays her head back down and closes her eyes.

Some of Hawk's and Endeavor's sidekicks looked through the woods, looking for the rest of Kyro's group and took them all in custody.

"Where's Hawks...Katsuki and...Todo-roki.." she asked weakly.

"They're fine...Katsuki and Todoroki and Hawks are conscious now. Hawk's sidekicks are helping them out."

She said as Hawks, Katsuki and Todoroki were helped as they were walking towards the ambulances. Hawks looks back before he got inside and looks back at ______. He smiles softly seeing _____ being taken care of.

"You look like shit _____." Yuzu laughed trying to brighten up her mood. "You did great _____. I'm proud of you." Yuzu said and layed her down in the ambulance.

"It...wasn't...just me. Iza-nami...she helped too..." she said weakly closing her eyes.

Izanami was being taken in a separate ambulance and the paramedics worked on her immediately.

"Don't worry Saphira! Honey we're gonna take real good care of you!" One of the paramedics said as they start treating her.

"You can finally rest easy _____. I'll meet you at the hospital later.." Yuzu said stroking her hair behind her ear.

"Make sure she recovers well. Please let Endeavor know I'll be conducting the search for those kids." Yuzu ordered as she walked out the ambulance.

"Yes Ms. Shirou." The paramedic said and closes the door and the ambulance drives off.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now