15. third wheel pt.2

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After a while we headed back to the front desk. My face glowed since I had gotten a facial done and my eyebrows were threaded to perfection! "Oooo girl feel how soft my fur is now!" Yuzu laughed as I felt her fur and I rubbed my hand against her arm.

"Oh wow..I never knew it could get this soft!" I said and I looked over at the couch and saw Dabi waiting for me as he shook his leg anxiously, but he still had his hood over his head.

"Dabi!" I ran towards him and his eyes widened as he sees me. He stood up and hugs me tightly.

"I missed you babe." He said as he buries his head in my neck.

"I missed you too Dabi. But it was only for three hours!" I laughed as I pulled away giving him a kiss.

"I hope you enjoyed your visit!" Naomi said as she continues to type away in the computer checking the three of us out.

"We did! Thanks Naomi! Now my fur feels better than before!" Yuzu said as she felt her fur. It was smooth and soft to the touch. "So how much will that be for today?" She asked.

"Oh no please. It's on the house! You've done so much for this town. This is what we can do in return!" She says as she bows down.

"No giirl! I can't do that! I'm not some freeloaded haha." Yuzu said as her ears twitched. She then pulls out a couple 10,000 yen and places it in a jar on the front desk that said 'TIPS: For Luna's surgery.'

"Here then take this...for your daughter." Yuzu smiled.

"Oh..THANK YOU SHIROU! GOD BLESS YOU!" Naomi says as tears stream down her face as she bowed down thanking Yuzu.

I smiled at the fact that Yuzu has such a big heart but with the soul of an alpha wolf with great leadership.


"So how was it for you Dabi?" I asked as I looked back at him as he leaned his head against the window as he stared out.

"It was good.... I've never been pampered like that before so it was really weird at first. But I enjoyed it.." he said as he looked back out the window as Yuzu drove down the road.

"Well I'm glad you did. I'm happy you came with us!" I smiled.

After the drive we all made it to the mega mall. It was at least four football fields big. My jaw dropped when I saw the massive mall. "Yuzu! This mall is huge!"

"Hehe I know right you can easily get lost in there." She said as she closed the door walking over to my side as I got out. Dabi walks out the car and held my hand and squeezes. He had a worried look on his face, I looked back towards where he was staring and see hundreds of people walking in and out of the mall.

"Don't worry babe. Remember I'll be with you the entire time. I won't ever let you out of my sight. Mkay?" I kissed his cheek.  "But if it becomes too much let me know and we can leave right away. I'm sure Yuzu won't mind." She smiled as he blushes.

"Huh? Whaaat? You're afraid of a little crowd Daaabi." Yuzu teased as he clenched his fists. Letting go of my hand as blue flames form around his hands.

"Listen you fucking wolf...."

"Oh hooo blue flames huh? That's some quirk you got!" She gave a smart remark as Dabi gets ticked off even more as he growled.

"Ugh Yuzu you're not helping girl." I said as I gave her a snare as I held Dabi back.

"Oop...sorry girl. Dabi lighten up. You'll be alright." Yuzu said as she starts walking towards the entrance.

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