43. good luck

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"Do you really have to go? You can't stay for another day?" Michiru whined.

"Yeah I'm sorry Michi but we have to. I wish I can stay but we've done what we had to do here. It's time for you to go on your own. You'll do great don't worry." I smiled leaning in and hugged Michiru.

"Just make sure you visit me from time to time. I'll make sure when we see each other again, I'll be just as good as you are _____!" Michiru smiled.

"I'm counting on it!"

"Like I said yesterday Michiru-san, when you're done with this you're more than welcome to come and join us." Hawks said.

"I appreciate it so much Hawks."

"Now boarding for flight 57 to Japan! Now boarding!"

"Well, it's time." I looked back at Michiru who was about to cry.

"Aw don't cry Michiru. You can always call or text me ya know."

"I know. I miss you alreadyyy!" She whined.

"I love you Michiru and I'm so proud of you." I hugged her one last time. I pulled away and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Text me when you land okay?" Michiru said as _____ nods.

"Goodbye Michiru!" Hawks waved as he made his way through the terminal.

"Bye Michiru....Good luck!" I smiled and followed Hawks.

"Thank you....______." Michiru muttered.

"Alright Michiru, it's time to go." Her security guard said.



Our flight back went by quick, I mean I slept through the entire time. Hawks really hated flying in planes. I mean he's always flying all the time and the seats inside planes are so cramped and he can barely fit because of his wings.

So this time we had gotten first class seats so he wouldn't be whining all the way back home.

Many hours later we arrived back in good old Japan.

"Ahhhh! Finally!" Hawks stretched his wings out as they fluttered.

I got our luggage from baggage claim and we made our way outside. I took a deep breath in and out. It felt good to be back here. I just hope Michiru is doing okay. All I want now is to just go home and see Luca and Dabi.

"Okay! Are you hungry ______?" Hawks asked and I got annoyed.

"Jesus you're still hungry? You just ate on the plane!"

"Of course!"

"You and Michiru can eat a whole lot." I laughed.

Suddenly my phone goes off and I had gotten a text from Miles. He had asked me to meet him somewhere. I didn't know what for so I had to check it out.

"Hawks I gotta go, I'll see you later."

"Eh? Where are you going?"

"Miles wants me to meet him somewhere. I don't know what for."

"Can I come?" He asked.

"Uh no. Hawks we literally been spending almost a week together. I don't need to spend anymore time with you. I have a life you know." I laughed.

"Aw come ooon. Please!"

"No, don't you have to check in at your agency?"

"Fiiine. I'll see you later! Just make sure you come by later so we can check in with the Hero's Commission!" He said as he flew up and away in the sky.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now