37. you shouldn't push yourself ______

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10 minutes ago..

_______ was twitching in her sleep. In her dream, she was reliving her fight with Kyro and remembering what he said.

"Your father did not treat you good as well."

"Your father beat you all the time, whenever he drank he would always take his anger out on you. Calling you useless, annoying and a burden to his work..."

She twitched more as she begins to sweat.

Images of her father beating her took place.

"Yeaah she was killed wasn't she? What was her name? ( your mom's name ) wasn't it? Yeah sounds about right."

Images of her mother's body ripped up in the living room played in her head. She imagined her blood curling scream as she was being killed.

Blood splatters..

_______'s heart rate was going faster and the monitor beeped louder as it kept track of her heart rate.

"You...are useless!"

"You're a monster!"

"_______!" Her mother cried as she was hurt and on the ground as the white haired villain kept her foot on her body.

"Mommy!" The young ______ went under the caution tape and ran inside the house. She went to the kitchen and saw her mother...in pieces.


Her heart was racing and racing and soon she woke up gasping for air. But her eyes were pink and with her telekinesis she broke the windows.

Her eyes turn back to its original color as she's panting heavily.

The nurse knocks on the door and walks in but she froze seeing _____ finally awake. She drops her clipboard and ran off to get the doctor.

I sighed as I finally caught my breath. I looked all around and it looked like I was in the hospital. I don't remember coming here. But did we win? Where's everyone else?

Seconds later the doctor walks in along with the nurse.

"Oh Ms. Saphira! You're awake! Now before you start asking questions, we're gonna check your vitals.." The doctor said and steps on some broken glass. He looks up at the window. 

"Eh? Uh hahaha.."  He laughed awkwardly.

"Where..am I?" I asked rubbing my head.

"You're at Yokosuka Hospital. You were in a bad fight." The doctor replied as he walks over to me.

As he was checking my vitals and running some tests, I couldn't help but notice my body was wrapped in tape and bandages. My body felt sore and it ached a bit.

My sore spots felt sore. My aches ached. My bones feel fragile but I can't still feel my body.

"Alright, so overall everything that I'm gonna say. You're still not recovered fully, but your wounds have closed up quickly. Usually wounds like that need more time to close up."

"You still need to rest, now if you have any questions just press the call button and the nurse and I will be here. So while you're here, please take it easy. You don't want to push yourself. Nurse?" He nods at the nurse as she follows behind him and closes the door behind her.

I looked out the window and it was a beautiful day. It was only 12:34 pm. I still don't know how long I was out for. But right now I need to find everyone else.

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