56.5 vicious

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A/N: decided to make this small bit of y/n being a villain. Enjoy <3

"You vicious little bitch." He said being tied up.

I turned around and smirked with blood on my face. "Say it again, that sounds good." I held my bloody ice blade up to his neck.

Before he even got the chance to say another word...blood splatters as I sliced through his neck, his head falls and rolls on the ground.

I licked the blood off my blade and moan, blood tastes fucking delicious.

You might think I should be feeling bad for cutting this guy's head off, but I don't.

I enjoyed every second of it. It gives me pleasure.

I put my mask back on and scoffed. Leaving the remains there. I don't like taking my mask off, it's like a part of me that won't go away.

I made it with my earth element. It's made from old tree bark. And the antlers....well, you should know where I got them from.

My name is

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My name is...well who gives a fuck? And my backstory? Well it's not something you'd like to hear but.

I was living with my mom and dad. My dad was abusive to both my mother and I, and I hated his guts. One day, when he was low on money, he had many debts. The only way he could pay it off was if he sold me.

But...it didn't go the way he wanted it to.

Neither did me.

"Father please! Don't sell me off to that pig to pay off your debts!!"

"There's no other choice!! It's a decision I made to sell you!" He said dragging me by my arm to the door with my suitcase in his other hand.

"Honey please! Don't sell our daughter!" My mother cried as she tried pulling him back.

"Get the fuck off of me!" He growled and let go of me and punched her, she fell and hit her head hard against the hard countertop. And she didn't wake up. I froze with my eyes wide, starring at her body as a puddle of blood was forming.

"mom?..." I ran up to her, on my knees and tried to wake her up but it didn't work. I started crying with my mom's head on my lap.

"_____ stop crying! You need to go now-"

"Shut up..."

"Excuse me?" He glared at me but then raised a brow when the house shook slightly.

"I said...SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

Darkness surrounded me, my eyes turned black and the entire house shook tremendously. Pictures were falling off the counters, windows breaking, and the walls were cracking.

"______! Stop this right now-" he was cut off as darkness surrounded him. My darkness was swirling around him as if he were in the middle of a tornado, it was hard for him to breathe. In the tornado he can faintly see a dark figure manifesting itself, growling.

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