40. reunited

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I can't believe the hero commission made Hawks come with me and Michiru. The hero commission is a pain in my ass. It bugs me that they don't even trust me when I've been saving people left and right and stopped Kyro.

Throughout our flight back to the US, people kept staring and taking pictures of Hawks and I. I guess we're pretty well known in the US too.

I don't know why but I was nervous to head back home...my body shook the entire flight there. Before I left, I went back to my house to pack for three days, I found Dabi asleep with Luca so I couldn't say goodbye for a second time. I know he misses me and I know Luca misses me too.


"Ahhh fiiinally! That was a really long flight!" Hawks said as he stretches his arms, legs, and wings out. His wings shakes and flutter as separate feathers fall off.

"Yeah I have serious jet lag though." Michiru yawned as she stretched as well.

Hawks walks to the baggage claim to get our luggage.

"You'll get used to it. I mean you're gonna have to stay here. That was the agreement... I'm sorry Michiru, but I did everything in my power to keep you from being locked up and this was the only solution those bastards could agree to."

"_______ you're fine. I appreciate everything you've done for me. You saved me, and if this is the only way to atone for my sins then it's fine." Michiru smiled softly and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You know it wasn't your fault, you were being controlled and you were brainwashed." She said as she placed her hand on top of Michiru's.

"I know...but it was still me.." Michiru replied and ______ sighs softly.

"Alright you ladies ready to go?" Hawks asked as he was carrying our luggage with his feathers.

"Yeah!" They both replied.

We had called a cab and we were headed to our destination. The hero commission had made arrangements for a safe house or basically a house for Michiru, they were going to have her on surveillance for about 6-8 months. Which I hate but it's what we agreed to. They'll also be checking in now and then with her and also be looking on the news for her to see if she's been doing good hero work out here.

"I feel like I haven't been here in a lifetime." Michiru said as she looked out the window as we drove down the street.

"Yeah me too..." On the inside I was somewhat happy to be back in my hometown but...part of me was scared..

As we drove down the street, the cab driver makes a left instead of making a right.

"Uh wait excuse me sir, we're supposed to be going that way." Michiru pointed the opposite way.

"It's ok Michiru, we're just taking a quick detour." ______ smiled.

Michiru was confused but she trusted my word.


"Alright Miss here's your stop!" The cab driver says and I payed him.

Michiru looks out the window and her eyes widened as she gasps. "This...this is.." her brown eyes became glassy as she felt a lump in her throat. Words couldn't describe how sad and happy she was.

"Yes Michiru..this is your home." I replied as we all got out. Hawks grabbed the luggage from the trunk as Michiru and I walked up to the curb. She was shaking uncontrollably. I could tell she was nervous and scared.

"_-_____ this is...my parents house..what are we doing here, aren't w-we supposed to go to the s-safe house?" She stuttered and ______ shook her head and she smiled softly.

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now