59. graduation

175 9 1

A/N: Ughh 😩 this pic of Dabi just gives me butterflies 🦋✨❤️

‼️⚠️ mature content ⚠️‼️

"Good morning _____!"


"Eh, you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." I lied. I can't help but think about Ells blaming me for Yuzu's death. I mean understand how it feels, but still...

"You ready for today?" Hawks asked as he grabs his coffee I made.

"For what?"

"Don't tell me you forgot!!"


"The graduation ceremony is today for UA!" He smiled.

Holy shit...it's already that time? Katsuki and the others are gonna finally become heroes! _____ thought.

"Yeah I'm ready. Those kids really came a long way."

"Yeah they really have." He said as he grabs the remote and sat next to me on the couch and turned on the tv. And the first thing that came on was the news, you would not believe what they were talking about.

"Breaking news! Today is a tragedy for all of us. Pro Hero Shirou has died in battle protecting the town from a vicious villain!"

I clenched my fists as my body shook a bit.

"Ehh? I guess Mr. Aizawa released the news." He said looking over at me and raises a brow. Seeing me all tensed up and shaking.

"Witnesses say they saw Shirou fighting what they call a 'Nomu'. We have video footage. But I must warn you, it may get graphic."

They suddenly played a video someone recording from afar of Yuzu fighting the Nomu in her Silver Wolf form.

In the video she was thrown into a building and they stopped showing the video.

"That is all we can show. May Pro Hero Shirou rest in peace and she will never be forgotten. May her family and loved ones be cherished. Other news today UA's graduation..."

I couldn't take it anymore and I stormed out to the backyard. My chest started to hurt. I fell to my knees and cried.

"Yuzu..." I cried. "I'm sorry."

Hawks followed me outside and got on his knees. He said not a word and hugged me.

"W-What are you *sniff* doing you bird bastard?" I clenched my fists.

"Just stop asking questions alright kid."

I sighed and hugged him back.

- time skip to ceremony -

"Wow! Would you look at that!" Hawks said as we made our way through the entrance in our hero costumes.

There was a huge stage built in front of the main building, chairs everywhere with pros all around, along with families.

"There's a lot of people." I muttered.

"______!" I heard a familiar voice and turned around and saw Miles waving.

"Miles? What are you doing here?" That's when I saw Ash and...Haru?!

"Haru, Ash? You too?" I asked and they both nod with the biggest smiles.

"What's going on?"

"Well Haru really wanted to come today and see Deku and the rest of his classmates graduate. He wanted to attend in thanks for saving him."

The Perfect Guy [Hawks x Dabi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now