13. lazy day

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I woke up the next morning not finding Dabi in bed. "Dabi? Where are you babe?"

Suddenly I hear the fire alarm going off in the kitchen. I got up quickly and ran straight to the kitchen only to find Dabi cooking.

" *cough* I'm sorry babe. I was just trying *cough* to make you breakfast." He said as he was blowing the smoke away from the fire alarm with a magazine. I opened the front door and balcony door to let the smoke out, and the alarm soon turns off.

"That's * cough* okay."

"I uh....may have burned the bacon just a bit..." he said as he rubbed the back of his head as I walked up to the stove and looked over and saw that the bacon was terribly over cooked. It didn't even look like bacon anymore.

Yeesh....that looks terrible..

"Well at least you tried babe, thank you. And Goodmorning by the way." I said and kissed him goodmorning.

"Hehe goodmorning to you too beautiful." He replied.

"Hmmm why don't we order some breakfast and after we eat we can go grocery shopping. Cause it seems that you tried to make me egg too..." I looked behind him seeing so many egg shells. It was a disaster in the kitchen. "And I'm assuming we don't have any eggs left."

"Yeaah sorry about that. I never wanted to cook for anyone before. But that sounds great." He replied.

After getting breakfast Dabi and I headed to the grocery store together. Dabi wore a hoodie as he wore the hood over his head the entire morning out.

"Hey babe?"

"Yeah baby?"

"Are you allergic to anything." I asked as I looked through the spices section.

"Uh no." He replied.

"Oh ok great! Because I'm thinking of trying a new recipe." I smiled as Dabi leans up against the basket cart. "Can't wait to try it babe. I love your cooking." He smiled.

I walked through every aisle as he followed behind me pushing the cart, I was looking to see if I needed anything else until I came across the pet aisle. With so many doggy toys and leashes and food.

"Awww look at this toy babe!" I said as I squeezed it and he smiled widely.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"What?" He asked.

"We should get a dog!" I smiled as his eyes widened.

"Getting a dog doesn't seem like a bad idea..." He replied.

A dog wouldn't be such a bad idea....since I'm going to start working and I won't be home all the time. A dog would keep Dabi company, that way he won't feel so lonely... I thought as I put the toy back down.


I placed the groceries on the counter and started to put everything in it's place as Dabi walks in after me carrying two more bags. He sets them down and walks straight towards me hugging me from behind.

"Dabi! Haha what's wrong."

"Oh nothiiing." He said as he turned me around and just looked deeply in my red eyes. "I just can't believe you're mine. I can't get enough of you." He says as he leans in having his lips meet mine.

"Mmm" I moaned as he smashed his lips into mine.

"Eager for my lips huh?" I smiled as I pulled away.

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