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"AGHHH! Come on, Aetherrrr! Paimon thinks we should stop, we've been searching for them for DAYS!!"

The flying Pixie was aggravated to say the least, having spent hours in the blazing heat just today traveling unmarked locations in the middle of who knows where. She swore they discovered at the very least four new species of bugs, the creepy crawlies popping up out of nowhere when they least expected it.

Aether only sent a quick glance before ignoring the exaggerating child with a roll of his eyes, continuing to walk in favor of continuing his search. Each step he took sunk lightly into the sand as he travelled along what looked to be a small beach at the border of Mondstadt. His long, golden braided hair swung back and forth with every step he took, his hand shooting up to wipe sweat gathering at his eyebrow, because this heat was no joke-- the sun feeling as if it were boiling them alive.

If Aether had to describe the person they were looking for in one word, it would be reckless. Whenever by chance they would happen to cross paths, they would always be in some unexplainable dangerous situation, always needing saving from Paimon and Aether. He couldn't help but worry, as it had been a while since they had last seen each other, and he just hoped they were okay.

"Maybe they don't want to be found! Paimon thinks that they aren't worth all this trouble, we can find someone so much cooler than that coward loser (Y/N)!" Paimon continued to complain as she puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms across her chest, kicking her feet wildly as she flew beside her companion.

Aether swore the sound of the seagulls squawking sounded exactly like Paimon as insult after insult flew out of her mouth, his eyebrow lightly twitching in irritation. He knew the two didn't get along much because of how much (good natured) teasing the person they were currently searching for liked to do to Paimon, and it didn't help that Paimon was just as feisty and sent insults back.

"Why can't we have someone nicer like Amber! Why, why, WHY did you choose that... that..." Paimon spouted angrily, although her voice started to dial down little by little, her flying coming to a halt but since Aether was already ignoring her, he kept moving forward, not noticing.

"That..." Her head tilted to the side and she lifted up a shaky finger slowly, blinking repeatedly. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared, trying to comprehend what she saw at the corner of her eye earlier, confirming that she wasn't just seeing things as she looked directly at it.

Her hands flew up to cup her cheeks and her eyes widened in complete horror, her bottom lip shaking briefly before her lips parted slightly.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Paimon screeched and began flying like a frantic person opposite from the ocean and to the right of where they were walking.

Aether jumped slightly from the shrill yell and summoned his sword instinctively, jumping around to see if Paimon was in trouble, but was confused to see a dust cloud where she once stood. He rushed forward and waved his hand around, his head shooting towards the direction he heard Paimon scream once again.

"THEY'RE MAKING (Y/N) INTO STICKY HONEY ROAST!!!!" She screamed, alerting the whole camp of hilichurls she was staring at earlier.

Two that were dancing around a fire stopped their ritual and immediately clambered around to grab their makeshift weapons. Another two were holding a long stick, one hilichurl at each end of the stick. They both froze and stared at the incoming bullet-like pixie in horror, her blood curdling scream ruining their celebratory atmosphere.

"DROP THEM DROP THEM DROP THEM!" Paimon chanted as she banged her small fists against the mask of one of the hilichurls that held the long stick. It made noises of irritation and shook its head back and forth, its rough hands flying up instinctively to protect its face making it drop the stick. Just as Paimon had ordered it, the hilichurl had dropped the long stick holding their big catch of the week.

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