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(Y/N) rubbed their temple in irritation as they stopped what they were doing to look at the blonde haired man that just screamed in their ear, annoyed being an understatement. After all, for once they had decided to go on a peaceful walk to take in the soft tunes and serene atmosphere in the walls of Mondstadt, but that mood was completely ruined by the amethyst eyed man.

He lowered the hands that cupped around his mouth to project his voice so he could instead look over at whoever just yelled at him, his own eyebrows furrowing but for a different reason.

"Hm? You can't be serious... don't tell me you're not here to see the shining idol Barbara-sama's performance?!" He said with a tone of disbelief, his eyes wide as he simply couldn't believe this person wasn't here to appreciate Barbara in all her beauty.

"Someone's singing here? And it's not Venti?" (Y/N) was surprised to say the least, because the only person they ever came to see here was Venti for his performances, always coming to support the other half of their brain cell, and sometimes they would see other bards play their lyre, but rarely anyone performing to sing.

"Of course it's not whoever that is! It's Barbara-sama! She is so adorable... so kind... so pure and innocent..." He trailed off while sighing contently, going off in his own world as he described 'Barbara-Sama'. Every word was drawled out and dreamy as he imagined seeing her again, which would apparently be very soon.

"Huh?! No offense, but you sound like a weirdo!" (Y/N) bluntly stated while giving a concerned look, making sure to maintain their distance to not be infected by this dude. He must have some virus, whether it be the 'Barbara' disease or the fanboy disease, there was something going on here.

"How rude! I'm not a weirdo, I'm just very loyal to Barbara-sama as the leader for the Barbara fan club." He stated as if that would explain his overwhelming devotion for Barbara.

"Damn... poor girl." (Y/N) said as they shook their head solemnly. Albert took offense right away as his eyes shot open and a puzzled expression came to his face, staring at (Y/N) as he tried to decipher if he was doing something wrong.

Upon noticing the look of confusion, (Y/N) snorted lightly before shaking their head and putting up their hands to show they meant no harm to his devotion for Barbara.

"I'm messing with you, can I join?" (Y/N) asked as they took note of Albert geared up for the concert wearing Barbara merch all over. He even had Barbara accessories and a fake vision to go along with it, no wonder he was the leader of the Barbara fan club. If there was an even bigger fan out there, (Y/N) would have to call the knights of Favonius because they were sure this was already borderline illegal.

"Really? Well, new fans are always welcome. Keep in mind you're the lowest rank in the fan club for now, prove your devotion to Barbara and you can raise it!" Albert said, officially allowing (Y/N) to be part of the fan club. Despite not knowing who Barbara was, (Y/N) cheered in excitement, their fist pumping in the air as they let out a yell.

"WOOHOOO!" (Y/N) smiled brightly, Albert quick to mimic their actions and join them.

"WOOHOO! FOR BARBARA!" Albert shouted as if he were laying down his life, his fist pumped in the air like (Y/N)'s was. The two fist bumped one another while (Y/N) snorted from their own actions of joining a fan club they knew nothing about. Well, they would soon find out since the performance was about to start, Albert at the front of the crowd with (Y/N), the crowd having long formed without the two noticing.

"Here, have this!" Albert suddenly said, grabbing (Y/N)'s attention as he dug through his pocket. He pulled out a closed fan and with a swipe of his hand, it opened up to show a chibi version of the idol (Y/N) assumed was Barbara as well as characters for her name spread across it.

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