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Aether trudged the familiar sands, grains somehow managing to find its ways in his shoes despite how he actively avoided sliding his feet. The sand was warm and the sun was blaring, the soft repeated sound of the waves meeting the shores and leaving suds behind creating a tranquil atmosphere. He swiped at his forehead to get rid of the sweat gathering at his eyebrow, squinting as he tried to look past the heat haze in front of him.

Although he said he wasn't going to help look for (Y/N), he hadn't spoken the full truth. He just meant he wasn't going to join the Adepti in their search but rather look on his own. Meanwhile, Paimon was being treated to a warm meal by Xiangling, a kind chef who offered to stay with her since Aether wanted to go on his own.

He had a gut feeling he knew where they were, and as a bonus, his use of searching for elemental traces had granted him a clue. To think they would return here of all places made his stomach churn, a sickening feeling arising as he felt the sudden urge to stop what he was doing and wallow in self-pity.

He continued to walk along the small beach on the border of Mondstadt, his steps leaving a trail as each imprint was caused by his weight moving along sand while his long braid swung back and forth with every step he took.

This small beach, although insignificant on any maps, held importance to him. It's where he found (Y/N) nearly being cooked by Hilichurls the day he invited them to live in his teapot. It was a day that not only changed their life, but his own life forever. A day he would never forget.

He had not only promised to become better friends with (Y/N), but to find out their secrets and what they were hiding on that day. Now that he had achieved these things, there was nothing left.

Aether continued to walk, listening in at every little thing to see if he can hear them at all. He could hear the shrill buzzing of cicadas chirping loudly, the leaves on the trees swaying at the occasional breeze, and the native birds squawking as they scavenged for food.

And only a few more minutes later of walking with these noises repeating over and over, he saw them.

They truly were awful. Sitting in front of the abandoned campfire that the three had once shared cooked fish over made his heart ache.

(Y/N)'s hands were folded in between their legs as they sat down, staring up at the clouds as they lightly hummed to themself. They looked over when they heard the crunching of sand under someone's feet, and seeing Aether, they suddenly sat up to fix their posture before managing an awkward smile.

"I knew you would be able to find me." (Y/N) said as they gestured for Aether to sit across from them.

He complied, dropping to the ground in exhaustion and crossing his legs as he let out a breathe of relief. (Y/N), conveniently enough, prepared for something like this, picking up the bottle beside them before tossing it across from themself. Aether caught it no problem, untwisting the cap before he brought it to his nose and took a sniff. Smelling no significant odor, he hesitantly looked up at (Y/N) before deciding to trust them and gulping it down. Yup, it's just water and it's not poisoned.

He stiffly nodded his head in appreciation before screwing the cap back on and placing it aside, wiping some loose strands of blonde hair out of his face.

"So... you escaped from the others?" He asked, trying to forward the conversation he so desperately wanted to have with them. When he got a soft sigh and a nod of their head in return, he couldn't help it when his hand in his lap curled and bunched up his clothes into his fist in frustration.

"I told you, I'm always running away and I have been this whole time. I just want to live."

The two sat in silence for a long time. It was odd, sitting there having nothing to talk about, but it was a moment where the two could process everything and gather themselves. Aether was grateful for that time he had in silence because it brought him to a decision he would be happy with.

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