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——————Flashback Start——————

Xiao was frustrated and angered beyond his normal capacity. Usually he would contain these emotions to a degree where he would only show minimal affectedness, however circumstances were far too baffling for him to keep his emotions under wraps.

His arms were crossed over his chest as he glared over at the two people standing in front of him. The pads of his fingers gripped onto his biceps as he contained what little patience he had left with the pressure being applied, his eyes rolling as he took in the silent situation.

His attention then focused solely onto the feeble person who hid themself behind (Y/N), the sight making his jaw clench behind the confines of his closed mouth.

When they let out a soft surprised 'Eep' once his glare had settled on them, he resisted the urge to strangle them as he settled with a noise of displeasure.

Xiao scoffed.

"This is ridiculous."

Upon hearing those words, (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed as their face twisted into a glare. They stared dead at Xiao, who looked away from the person and instead directed his attention over towards (Y/N). The person behind (Y/N) shuffled closer to them and lifted their hand up subtly to hold the ends of their sleeve.

Without flinching or acknowledging the movement behind them, (Y/N) continued to glare angrily over at Xiao, who was relentless in sending them an equally fierce look that held a multitude of emotions— all being negative.

"Why would you say that? What, do you have a problem with (S/O/N)?" (Y/N) asked, a threatening tone lacing their voice that Xiao ignored since he knew they wouldn't cause him any harm.

Averting his eyes once again, Xiao found his stare directed over towards (S/O/N), the direct eye contact only lasting a brief moment before he couldn't physically hold it and glanced away. That short amount of time was enough for his thoughts to run rampant surrounding this stranger's appearance.

The first and most trivial one— they had objectively the loveliest eyes he had ever seen. They were almost intimidating knowing the pair belonged to a normal human. A weak mortal individual with no significance or ties to anyone important aside from (Y/N).

Mortals and regular everyday people normally shared the same general plain characteristics. Nothing distinguishing that would make them out to be someone important, because in the end they weren't in comparison to gods, vision wielders, or anyone that would fit in the non-mortal category. And yet their eyes spoke volumes despite them not verbally speaking any words, and for some reason, this set off blaring red sirens in Xiao's mind.

Xiao clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he continued to hold the stance of him crossing his arms over his chest.

His hair was slightly disheveled, whether that be from him tousling it around from stress or his swift arrival here insignificant since either way his unkept appearance represented his distress.

He recalled (Y/N)'s previous words of them asking if he had a problem with (S/O/N).

"Do I have a problem? Of course I do. There's gotta be something wrong in that head of yours."

(Y/N)'s eyes fiercely narrowed and they felt their anger spike. They bit back a curse from slipping past their lips and closed their eyes before visibly shaking their head, a huff of angry air spilling from their nostrils as they kept themself back from raising their voice.

They opened their eyes when they felt a tug at their sleeve, and looking slightly behind them, they could see (S/O/N) looking back at them with a fearful expression. They had never talked with one of (Y/N)'s friends before, and knowing they were all a majority of gods and Adepti, it was very intimidating. Especially when they were greeted with a hateful glare and a disappointed expression despite not having done anything to offend him.

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