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The streets were overrun with bustling excitement, inhabitants of Inazuma plaguing the streets in the celebration that has yet to end since the decree was announced to be abolished.

Though it was the middle of the day, sake flew down people's throats as they let the scorching liquid haze their mind and control their judgement. Stumbling through the streets, people lifted their cups as they sang and threw their arms around the shoulders of friends, a freedom that wasn't granted before from the fear of the situation.

Letting loose allowed for the rambunctious town to relax for the first time in a while, a fire-pit of propaganda burning while people cheered around it just one of the many examples of stress relief.

(Y/N) cheered as they finished swallowing down the cup of sake that was pressed against their lips by a stranger, the stranger cheering and laughing merrily upon seeing them down it without hesitation. (Y/N) thanked the man as he went on and fed more strangers sake before walking off, swiftly turning around with a twist of their foot and accidentally hitting into someone.

The person stumbled, his long sleeves instinctively being pulled by (Y/N) who steadied themself and in return steadied the person they bumped into.

"Ah— sorry about that." The man apologetically smiled, the beauty mark under his lip curling along with the expression.

(Y/N) lazily looked up to see they were in the arms of someone familiar, a tall man wearing white, blue, and gold garbs that felt silky under their fingers.

They let go from holding the expensive feeling clothing and backed up to give the man some personal space, quickly spewing out their words as they registered his apology even though it wasn't his fault.

"No, it's okay! I should have paid more attention as to where I was walking."

Looking up once again to see the face of the person they ran into, they couldn't help but drown in the feeling that they have seen this man before. Not only that, the smell of his cologne and his whole aura entirely just felt so weirdly familiar.

Suddenly it clicked. The day they had arrived in Inazuma after boarding Beidou's ship came back to them, how they wandered through the streets cluelessly as to what to do and were brought out of a frantic state of mind by the man in front of them.

They essentially owed it to him that they were arrested, since he brought them out of that trance which caused them to go behind that one particular building with the fake vision seller. It was a little bit of a stretch, but nevertheless they would have walked right past that specific building if it weren't for them bumping into each other.

"Oh, it's you. Rich guy." (Y/N) greeted with a nod of their head, the nickname arising from the poise and elegant stature he displayed.

He also nodded his head in familiarity, taking in their appearance as his memory served its purpose to show him the moment they had bumped into one another and how a few days later he was shown a wanted poster that closely resembled them.

"And you're... that criminal."

(Y/N) felt an irk mark appear at their temple, looking around frantically to see if anyone heard that but were relieved to see that everyone was busy partying.

"The charges were dropped!" They whisper shouted, having the whole ordeal covered up by Miko and Ei after they teased them over the absurd and poorly drawn wanted poster. Yes, even the Raiden Shogun herself put in some insulting quips upon seeing their face plastered on the incriminating parchment.

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