❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗

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The world spun around (Y/N) as if they were in a heavily drunken state, distorted scenery of the room flying by them so quickly that it was hard to make anything out. Every time their momentum would slow, they would kick their foot against the ground harshly to give another spin as they stared up at the ceiling, the amount of times the swivel chair had rotated with them in it starting to give them a headache.

They were sure if they tried to stand up they wouldn't be able to stand on their own two feet because they could barely touch the floor when they went to get more momentum from how dizzy they were, but this fact didn't stop them from continuing to do this.

The creaking of the wheels was definitely irritating to their ears and they hoped it was irritating to Jean's as well, because they really wanted her to say something since there hadn't been much conversation since they had entered the room. They were trying to fish for a "Shut up" or "Go away" at the very least, but Jean was incredibly patient and that wasn't something to underestimate.

Finally deciding to break the silence, (Y/N) began to speak, their tone noticeably downcast which made Jean lift her head up and her wrist stop moving to drag her pen along the paper for a moment.

"Geez this is boring, is that what you do all day?"

With them no longer kicking against the floor, the chair's momentum slowly died down making the chair only slowly turn as Jean was silently relieved to hear it stop.

"I won't deny the tedious aspect of this work, but it's essential. If I don't get this done, who will?"

(Y/N) pursed their lips at Jean's response.

"But I really wanted to spend time with you, can't you just make someone else do it? Like Kaeya... does he ever do anything around here?"

"He has his own responsibilities to uphold, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

(Y/N) sighed but once again hit their foot against the ground in order to continue spinning in the chair seeing that was their only source of fun in the room. Jean had returned to looking over the paper and finishing her signature where she left off, quick to move it to the completed pile and revealing another incomplete document underneath it.

Once again looking at the spinning ceiling, dozens of thoughts rang through (Y/N)'s head as they mentally debated what to do. There was no way they were going to leave Jean here because they had decided they wanted to spend time with her today, they just didn't think this was what it meant when Jean had agreed to let them stay.

Having a genius idea strike them suddenly, they jolted upwards catching even themself off guard let alone Jean, the action of trying to stand from their seat after spinning for so long causing them to topple over straight onto their face.

Jean alarmedly looked up at the loud crash to see (Y/N) rubbing their nose, but before she could even ask if they were okay, they had already situated themself and had dashed out of the room not even mentioning the pain that lingered from the fall. They stumbled out in a drunken state and Jean could only shake her head in disbelief before returning to her work, opting to ask if they were doing okay later since they seemed to be in a hurry.


"It's a strategy game! Not only is it fun, you can also learn strategy plans that can help Mondstadt or something."

(Y/N) excitedly plopped the board game on Jean's desk, who had her pen stolen out of her hand from them as soon as they walked in so that she could give them her full attention. Sat aside and deemed less important than the board game was a plate of pizza that they had ordered to go from the cat's tail, but it certainly wouldn't be forgotten.

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