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Each finger was accompanied by a counterpart as the couple laced each other's fingers together, walking side by side with their hands intertwined. They kept close as they walked, bubbly chatter making giggles arise out of the girls mouth ever so often.

Some times the hands would unknowingly begin to swing when they became distracted with conversation, the freeing feeling as it pushed against the soft breeze only warming them up.

The girl's cheeks would blossom in varied shades of pink, sometimes her internal monologuing causing it to dim while other times unexpected thoughts following the lines of 'they're so (handsome/pretty)' would make a flustered feeling arise. Her short skirt would flutter lightly in the breeze and whenever someone would dare to even look their way from the PDA of them holding hands or to even glance at the girl, her partner would give a heavy glare or flip up their middle finger.

She knew they were trying to be subtle about the vulgar action, however they weren't exactly the best at hiding it.

There was one instance on the walk where the girl had spotted an adorable calico cat strutting across the wall of someone's privacy barrier, which made her point it out excitedly for her partner to see. She pulled herself closer to their body and hugged their arm to her chest as her free arm shot outwards, finger lifting to direct their gaze towards the kitten who basked in the attention.

Her partner similarly fawned over the majestic creature, hugging her further as they cooed at the adorable sight of it sitting and beginning to lick its paws.

Although this may have looked like your average young and deeply in-love couple, the individuals were far from it. In fact, not every couple had stalkers that trailed after them and observed their every move.

Kujou Sara, Arataki Itto, and Skikanoin Heizou were an unlikely trio who had banded together upon all sharing a common goal. That was tailing after (Y/N) to snoop on the date they were on with the local firework girl, a sight none of them had ever envisioned in seeing.

Sara curled her fingers around the stone wall where the two were previously looking at the cat, having shooed it away by tossing one of her feathers for it to chase. Peeking over, she stared at (Y/N)'s back as the flustered firework girl began to rant about how she got a little too close in her excitement and that she didn't mean to invade their personal space.

"What is idiot number two doing? And with such a sweet looking girl no less." Sara mumbled, causing another head to pop up beside her.

Itto placed a finger against his lip as he blew air out of his mouth, sending a pointed glare towards the woman who was disrupting his concentration.

"Shhhh, I'm looking for their weakness."

Although they were all here to follow (Y/N) around, Itto's reasoning was because they were in a vulnerable position. If he could observe what they did on their day off, perhaps he could find something incriminating he could use against them when he needed it.

Heizou remained with his back pressed against the stone wall as he crouched to the ground, a finger on his chin as he answered Sara's question from before Itto interrupted.

"From what I can deduce, this is a date." He said with equal confusion, wondering just how they even managed to land one in the first place.

He was the first to trail after them since he left his house as their temporary roommate, and he was curious as to why they put effort in their appearance this morning. He had his answer now but there were still so many questions.

Itto's head snapped over towards Heizou, the detective distracted so he jumped slightly when the loud voice echoed through the area they were in.

"A WHAT?!"

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