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Loud screaming echoed throughout the room, raw with emotion, fear present in the person's voice. The person clung onto their arm as they crouched in their position, distancing themself from the floor as they had jumped onto the side table in order to get to safety, seeing as it was the only thing close enough for them to do so.

(Y/N), having gone downstairs to get a midnight snack, stopped what they were doing in order to look towards where the noise had come from. They were irritated, unable to sleep so they decided to find something to fill their stomach, and the screaming of fear wasn't helping ease them into slumber in the slightest. 


They were going to simply ignore it and continue to grab their snack, but the genuinely distressed person had screeched once again, making (Y/N) snap completely awake and raise their own voice.

"WHAT'S ALL OF THAT SCREAMING ABOUT, ARCHONS BE DAMNED." (Y/N) shouted as they angrily marched over towards the next room, where they presumed the culprit of the shouts resided. 

"--IT'S WAY TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT!" They added, and as they walked into the room, they made eye contact with Mona who had tears pricking the corner of her eyes, shaking lightly as she crouched atop the side table.

They stopped their shouting and stared confused for a moment, Mona shaking her head back and forth lightly but not saying anything, a silent task for (Y/N) to run and get help, though (Y/N) wasn't telepathic so they didn't understand what she was implying.

(Y/N) looked around the room as they planted their hands on their hips, parting their lips as they thought of what to make of the situation, their eyes darting over to look back at Mona so they could gather some intel.

"What's wrong, you look--" (Y/N) started off, but their voice was quick to catch in their throat as they felt an odd presence. (Y/N) immediately felt as if a metaphorical weight had been placed on theirs shoulders, a sudden feeling of dread overcoming them. 

"..." A lanky black and thin leg with sharp points snaked around (Y/N)'s ankle, before quickly retreating when (Y/N)'s ankle shifted from the discomforting feeling of standing in the dark with something unknown touching them.

"...what just touched me?" They questioned, their voice devoid of emotion as they tried to keep it together and process just what the hell was going on. But of course, (Y/N) wasn't a calm and collected person, and simply sprinted towards Mona upon looking down and seeing the lanky leg attempt to snake back around their ankle.

"MOVE OVER MOVE OVER MOVE OVER!!" (Y/N) shouted frantically as they began sobbing, throwing their arms out and practically leaping onto the small side table, making it shake violently.

(Y/N) clung onto Mona desperately as chills ran up and down their spine as they recalled the feeling of the unknown creature wrapping its sharp and cold claw around their ankle. Mona had nearly toppled over from the force on her, her face draining of color as she made eye contact with beaming red eyes on the ground.

"GET OFF OF ME!" She shouted as she tried to push (Y/N) over, but there was no room for the both of them so their bodies were pressed closely together. (Y/N) drained out Mona's words as they continued to sob and cry for help, absolutely scared shitless over whatever the fuck touched them in the dark corner. 

"STOP MOVING I'M GOING TO FALL!" Mona once again shouted as she gripped the edge of the table with the palm of her hand so she didn't fall to the ground, and to her possible demise.

Mona could see the creature scurry across the room from the corner of her eye, (Y/N) calming down at Mona's demands, but still clinging tightly onto Mona as they frantically scanned every corner of the room, their head darting from side to side.

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