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Bundles of three flowers were tied together with white ribbons and held in (Y/N)'s hands, each set created with different faces in mind. Crouching down in front of a stone slab, (Y/N) slid one of the sets into the glass vase, exchanging them for the dead and wilted ones already present in there.

Kokomi crouched beside them before filling the vase a quarter of the way up with water from her vision, the two moving in sync as they stood beside one another and paid their respects by clasping their hands together and granting a moment of silence.

After a minute, the two moved onto the next grave and repeated the same process.

The two were currently in a graveyard of all the fallen soldiers who gave their life up to fight against the tyranny in Inazuma, and each and everyone was precious to Kokomi. She always made sure to tend to their graves, especially for the ones who left no family behind to do it for them.

"Really (Y/N), you didn't have to do all this." Kokomi said as she dropped her hands from their praying position, done with giving respects to the last grave.

(Y/N) opened their eyes and similarly dropped their hands beside them, looking over at Kokomi as they showed her a small smile.

"I wanted to, I really admire what you do and I wanted to help out."

After hearing about what Kokomi was up to from one of the soldiers when they questioned her whereabouts, they knew they had to help speed up the process if they wanted to hang out with her on such a blazing day.

Half of the reason for assisting was because they wanted to selfishly snatch her away, but it was also nice to have closure to know that the man who had found them and brought them to the resistance camp that once day did lie among the dead. They didn't know his name off the top of their head, however seeing 'Teppei' written in big bold letters triggered the memory of his introduction to them— followed by memories of them pestering him when they stayed at the resistance camp for some time.

"I got done early this week thanks to your extra set of hands." Kokomi hummed, glancing down the row of graves as if to confirm, seeing a line of neatly placed bottles with white and yellow flowers carefully picked so that they weren't tarnished in the slightest.

Taking this as their chance to invite her to join them for what they had planned for themself today, (Y/N) looked over at her before asking,

"Do you have anything else to do today?"

Kokomi took a moment to think about it, seeing if there were anything later on that she had scheduled from the usual time she would finish up here, but miraculously she wasn't expected to attend anywhere so she essentially had the rest of the day off.

She hummed before shaking her head back and forth. "Nope, I always clear out most of this day in order to pray and place the flowers and I have nothing planned for the rest."

(Y/N) grinned. "In that case why don't you spend the remaining time with me?"

Kokomi's eyes shined with an excited gleam, attention shooting over towards (Y/N) instead of the graves as she tilted her head as a curious and questioning action.

"You're inviting me out?"

"Of course, take this as me repaying you for healing me back then."

"I told you I don't put people in my debt for things like that."


(Y/N) was aware of the terrain in the area and had suggested with it being such a lovely day that the two go to the beach. Kokomi's expression and interest told them she was overjoyed at the idea, already scrambling to figure out what swimsuit she would wear as the sea was something she thoroughly enjoyed.

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