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(Y/N) had laid on the grass after their escape outside of the city where they were held captive, letting the sun beam down on them for a while which would no doubt cause their skin to develop melanin to protect from the harsh rays. That thought alongside any other reasonable one was ignored as their eyes began to flutter closed, unable to keep them open because of how exhausted they were. The rough cell floors were less than comfortable and they had barely got any sleep since arriving here in the first place.

Deciding it would be okay to take a quick nap before going off to fulfill their next objective of stealing a travel permit, since that was the main reason aside from resisting that they were arrested, they began to doze off.

It wasn't long at all, only a few hours of deep sleep lulled by the nature that Inzauma provided, but that was all that took for someone to stumble upon them. The girl, who was looking for materials out here in the middle of nowhere, glanced confusingly when she noticed someone sleeping on the ground.

They seemed peaceful, so she wasn't going to bother them, but as she stepped closer she began to recognize their features.

Her eyes grew starry as she got even closer, leaning over them as she pulled something out from her pocket and compared it next to them, the breath she was holding releasing excitedly as she realized there was no doubt she had the right person.

She gripped the paper in one hand while her free one moved to grab (Y/N)'s arm before shaking it lightly to wake them up. Stirring around and groaning in displeasure, they tried to lazily swat the person's hand away, but when a brief thought that a person was with them when they were supposed to be out hiding at the moment passed, they shot up with wide eyes and scrambled backwards with their eyes darting everywhere.

The girl said nothing about the alarmed awakening and instead let a smile she couldn't suppress curl her lips upwards, hoping it would somewhat ease the tense expression they had. She lifted her hand and gave a small wave, watching as their frantic expression calmed as they locked eyes with the friendly looking girl and their stiff shoulders began to relax thinking they could probably out run her if needed.

"Hey... you're the person who was arrested a while back, aren't you?" Yoimiya asked, keeping down her excitement as she awaited for their confirmation.

(Y/N), finding that their identity was exposed so easily felt adrenaline spike once again as they glanced away from the girl and moved to stand up.

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person..." They trailed off, intending to leave, although when the paper in the girl's hand was shoved in their direction they couldn't help but to look curiously.

Staring at the image displayed, they immediately recognized what it was supposed to be. It was a really crappy hand drawn wanted poster, the artist's name underneath the box where the very obviously little effort picture was shown reading "Shikanoin Heizou".

When (Y/N) read the name, they gaped in disbelief, mouth falling open and eyes widened as their confusion turned to anger.

"That looks nothing like me!" They exclaimed making Yoimiya turn the paper to look at it and at them, comparing the two again and tilting her head in confusion.

"Hm? I think it looks pretty spot on." She proclaimed making (Y/N) rapidly shake their head back and forth in denial.

It resembled Hak and Jae ha's wanted posters from Yona of the dawn, and that was not something to be proud of. Perhaps they wouldn't have minded it if they looked decent, but how anyone was able to recognize them from the awful drawing was beyond their understanding.

Realizing she was invading their personal space, the girl backed up before a thought struck her and words began to quickly spew out of her mouth before (Y/N) could reply.

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