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A series of distraught curses followed by loud metal hitting the ground echoed throughout the kitchen, the revolting smell of burnt food wafting in the air. The window was wide open, the sun peaking around the corner and sending warm rays of sunrise colored sun into the room. The steady flow of outside air was much needed to circulate the airflow of the kitchen, the person inside half wondering if they should get Mona in case a fire starts.

"NONONONONO-- DAMNIT!" More shouting was heard, the sound of something hitting the ground followed by shattering echoing while rushed footsteps attempted to grab the object before impact, arriving just a few seconds too late.

"Alright... let's just calm down... and take a few deep breaths..." 

They closed their eyes and took a deep intake of air, holding the intake of air for a few seconds, before releasing that breath along with the stress they have accumulated since coming into the kitchen. During those brief moments of having their eyes closed, they hadn't realized more eggs were beginning to roll off the counter, thinking they were secured before, but they managed to get loose because so many were stacked on top of each other.

"NOOOOO! WHY WHY WHYY?!" They shouted as their eyes shot open upon hearing the first egg falling and breaking, followed by another. They ran in the direction and did a dramatic dive on the floor, trying to save at least one, but unfortunately that ended up with a cracked egg on their head. The yolk spilt down their face as the egg shells had popped it open, the person desperately holding something in their hand. Ignoring the dripping raw produce sliding down their face, they shakily opened their palm and let out a sigh of relief.

"Saved one." Although, would one be enough to feed nine? Maybe everyone would have to go vegan for the day and eat the flowers outside, because there probably wasn't enough for everyone.

"...I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet." The tired voice of someone entering the room emerged as the owner of it stared towards (Y/N), who was on the ground and was gushing over the last egg while rubbing it against their cheek. Not hearing a person enter the kitchen at all, (Y/N) naturally became startled and instinctively squeezed their hands. And cupped in their hands was the last egg now crushed to bits as yolk spilled between the crevices of their fingers.

"..." (Y/N) stared down solemnly at the mess they created, forgetting they had left the fire on as they despaired over the last thing they could have saved being killed just like that. The person walked further into the room and turned the fire off, realizing there was a bit of cleaning to do before it could be properly used.

"Would you like some help?" They asked as they bent down in front of (Y/N) who was sniffling dramatically as they mourned the death of their favorite egg. (Y/N) had named all of them and called the eggs their children, only to watch as they mercilessly rolled off the counter to their impending doom.

(Y/N) looked up to see a blonde haired girl, who was very tall by the looks of it, offering them a hand. Her hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, the soft blonde being tied together by a black ribbon. Her eyes were a very pretty light shade of blue and her facial features looked very delicate, but hardened at the same time.

(Y/N) was reluctant to take her hand because their own was covered in raw egg, their hands becoming a sticky nasty unappetizing mess. The stranger to (Y/N) noticed the reluctance and let her lips curl into a small smile, pushing back a strand of hair behind her ear before lowering her hand back down to slip off her glove. She slid her glove into her pocket and grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hand with her un-gloved one.

"Don't worry about that, we can wash it off." She mentioned while giving them a firm tug upwards, (Y/N) and the unknown girl standing with little trouble. The both of them moved carefully as the floor was covered with slippery cracked eggs and cooking utensils.

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