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Double chapter because I wrote too much again, make sure you read Eleven then Twelve since it may just send you straight to twelve! May want to grab some tissues if you cry easily for this one <3


"Yo that hilichurl is fucking ripped. Can you go ask what its workout routine is for me?" (Y/N) asked as they peeked around the rubble to look at the hilichurl that stood shirtless, hitting a stone against a much larger rock for whatever reason. (Y/N) was sure it was a very charming hilichurl in the hilichurl ladies eyes, or hilichurl dudes if it swung that way. 

"Watch your language!" Bennett reprimanded. "--And I doubt they even have workout routines, let's just sneak by so we don't get their attention. We don't need to engage in any battles for this commission!"

With the reminder that they were here to look for the entrance of a mysterious domain, the two nodded at one another and snuck around the hilichurl without being seen.

The commission was an odd one, the reward being twenty thousand mora, along with the additional treasures they may find while doing this commission. There was not much information to go on, but the pay by itself was good, and along with the additional mora they may find, (Y/N) was sure they would be able to pay off Venti's tab right away.

A mysterious domain had been found, an adventurer that simply logged in locations on maps stumbling upon it. He had taken a peek inside, and found there to be many traps and puzzles that he wouldn't be able to figure out, a pyro wielder needing to infuse fire into some of the puzzles he had seen so far.

He had reported that there were no hostiles, just traps to be weary for, though he wasn't sure if there was any treasure to be exact so he simply passed the information on to the guild so someone could take the commission to explore it and deem it safe or not. They only needed to gather that information, and if it were dangerous, there was no need to engage in battle for the reward, but just get that intel back to Katherine, who worked the front desk at the guild.

The location was in a tree, the tree itself hollow and having a descending staircase that lead to the strange unexplored area. Well, that's what the two were told, the information making them quite skeptical to begin with, though it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

"So~ Leader of Benny's adventure team, huh? You must be a pretty popular guy! How many members do you have?" (Y/N) asked as they looked behind a tree, hitting it with the back of their hand to see if it was hollow before going to the next one. Bennett was doing the same on other trees, trying to find this odd location that wasn't specified with exact coordinates in the commission.

"Heh! I'm the only member right now, but soon enough people will stick around!" Bennett exclaimed while he kicked at the trunk of a tree he was at, an acorn falling after he did so and hitting him right on the head. He winced and clutched his head, though it didn't hurt too bad, the instinct to move his arms up compelling him to do so.

"Hey, you're pretty cool and I think you're very reliable, you just need to wait until the right people show up!" (Y/N) reassured, making sure not to pity him because that's far from what he would want. He wasn't fishing for sympathy by saying that, (Y/N) could tell with that tone of confidence in his voice, Bennett knowing that if he's patient, the right people will come in due time.

This made Bennett extremely happy to hear, a goofy grin coming to his face as he nodded his head. He walked over to where (Y/N) was, who was staring intently at an odd colored tree in interest. They looked in Bennett's direction, who was heading their way, and smiled brightly at him.

"Yeah! That's what I've been saying!" Bennett confirmed while clenching his hand into a fist while (Y/N) did the same, the two bumping their fists against one another before laughing. He now stood beside them, the tree in between though they decided to indulge in conversation before checking that particular one.

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