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The night was horrible, not only for (Y/N), but for everyone who had the misfortune of being in the same jail as them. All night they either complained and sobbed, banging on the metal bars to be set free, or argued with Itto, who proclaimed them as their rival to which they unfortunately encouraged him in.

Not only did the prisoners have to deal with Itto, a loud mouthed idiot who complained all day, but an exact replica who made the situation they were in a hundred times worse.

Currently everyone was knocked out because for once (Y/N) and Itto decided to shut up allowing for some rest that they wouldn't pass up on. Even the guard that was stationed to watch over the cell mates was fast asleep, and that was saying a lot because they were strict in everything they did, including following protocol.

To everyone's dismay, a loud commotion on the other side of the heavy metal door erupted and it was impossible to ignore. The sounds of shouting as someone argued echoed throughout the building, everyone waking up and trying to listen in their groggy state. It was over quickly, a strange phenomenon since not often were noises heard from the other side unless prisoners were being exchanged or food was being delivered.

The night patrol guard shot awake and fumbled with his keys, registering his situation and berating himself from falling asleep on the job. Deciding to check where the noise was coming from, he glanced over to make sure everything was orderly with the prisoners only to see curious eyes peeking through bars.
Ignoring their stares, he walked over to the door and quickly unlocked it, pulling the handle making it scrape against the ground with its usual large screech that told everyone when someone was exiting or entering.

As the door closed behind him, the sound of a 'thud' erupted once it shut fully. Before the prisoners could speculate on what was going on, the door quickly opened again as someone leisurely skipped in while crossing their arms by shoving their hands into the long sleeves of their outfit, the chiming of metal hitting against each other masking his humming. The clicking of the wood from his sandals hitting the ground echoed throughout the long hallway, some people glancing while others ignored the person to try and get back to sleep.

The boy removed his hands from his sleeves momentarily to fix the cap on his head as his shoes continued to click against the ground, lidded eyes darting back and forth as he scrutinized the prisoners in all of the cells.

He kept walking and walking, prisoners whispering between one another as they walked up to the bars if their cells curiously, but he ignored them as he soon found what he was looking for, or rather who he was looking for.

(Y/N), who was sleeping face first on the floor in a small puddle of drool while surrounded by a bunch of wasted food from the food fight they had with Itto earlier, was completely unaware of the stare in their direction.

Sticking his foot between the bars, he nudged their head with his wooden sandal multiple times until he saw them stir, a groan leaving their lips as they dug their nails into the floor and tried to swat his foot away. He only continued to nudge them until they glanced up at him, only retracting his shoe from hitting their body any more when he was sure he got their attention.

"Mornin' sleepyhead! You must be the bold foreigner I've heard rumors about..." The brown haired boy said as a cheshire like smile curled his lips, a mischievous glint in his eye that (Y/N) couldn't see from their position on the floor.

(Y/N)'s numb arm, (from having slept on it), moved in front of their mouth to wipe away the line of drool. They blinked repeatedly as they stared up at the boy with confusion, though that expression was quick to turn into anger.

"What the hell-- who are you, twerp?!" They demanded to know, realizing the reason they were so rudely awoken was more than likely his doing.

He pouted as an irritated vein visibly popped up from the corner of his head from the insult, though he was quick to hide the fact their rudeness bothered him with his calm and calculative exterior.

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