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"Now that I think about it, what are they feeding the kids over here? When I was seven I was eating mud, not making fucking bombs." (Y/N) spoke to themself as they walked down the cobbled paths, each step they took clicking against the stone ground. They had a cotton sack slung over their shoulder, discarding the basket seeing as it was way too small to hold the sheer amount of fish they accumulated from fish blasting.

"Well, whatever. Klee's adorable so it doesn't matter if she's a border line threat to Teyvat." (Y/N) said while shrugging their shoulders, a fond smile coming to their face as they recalled just how sweet the young girl was. (Y/N) didn't have any siblings, (though they sort of considered Paimon as their little sister, but don't tell her that), so seeing Klee smile and look up to (Y/N) was a very satisfying feeling. It was hard to describe, but all (Y/N) knew was that they would protect that little girl and her precious smile at any cost, and if the need were to ever arise, they would adopt her without hesitation.

(Y/N) stopped walking at the sound of cheering, large question marks floating around their head. There was no festival from what they knew of, but the shouts of excitement would beg to differ. It was noticeably muffled, so it was inside a building, though there was literally no event (Y/N) could think of that would cause such a commotion. They switched the bag of fish to their other hand since the one they held it in was beginning to hurt before making their way towards the cheering, which happened to be in the direction of the tavern.

And lo and behold, the loud commotion led (Y/N) to the tavern. They've never seen so many people at the tavern at once, the front door wide open as people peered inside trying to get a view of whatever was going on. There were even some people (Y/N) has never even seen before trying to sneak a peak, a strange feeling bubbling in the pits of (Y/N)'s stomach. They feared whatever they would see when they walked in, and they had every right to do so.

"What's going on here?" (Y/N) questioned, but upon being completely ignored, they grew irked as no one paid them any mind, and instead cheered louder because of whatever was in the middle of the crowd. (Y/N) decided it was better not to ask any of these tipsy people and instead see for themself, shoving people out of the way as they made their way in, their sack of fish smacking people as they walked, though they didn't care enough to notice.

"Ayo, this bard got some moves." They heard someone shout followed by loud cheering, and they connected the word bard with Venti, the boy flashing in their head for whatever reason. (Y/N) shook their head knowing the sheer amount of bards that infested Mondstadt. It would have to be a crazy coincidence that the bard that was the current center of attention was Venti when there was so many others it could be.

"YUHHHH, GET IT IG!" The man (Y/N) was just beside shouted right into their ear, (Y/N) purposefully smacking them with the sack of fish from how much their ear rung, though they paid it no mind so the guy assumed it was an accident.

"Excuse me, move the hell out of the way, please." (Y/N) was finally at the front of the crowd, but someone's big head was in the way to get a perfect view, and the fact (Y/N) had all the weight of the sack of fish on their shoulder wasn't helping. (Y/N) gave a nod of appreciation as the blonde man with a blue eyepatch actually did move for them and walked right past, the man sending a nod back as he crossed his arms, a content expression on his face while his cape quickly followed him out the crowd, never to be seen again.

When (Y/N) looked up, their face immediately drained of color, and not the normal draining of color. It drained so rapidly, it was like if you lived inside an approximately 50 meter high wall that protected you from giant creatures, but a colossal creature peered over the wall and kicked a whole right through it, allowing the giants to come and devour all of humanity inside the walls.

The bard was none other than Venti, as you may have already deduced. He was going at it extraordinarily hard like rent was due the following day, his legs synchronizing with the tune being played by a lesser known bard. (Y/N) has never seen such devoted and exquisite break dancing, it had nearly brought tears to their eyes, but they snapped out of it upon realizing just what the hell was going on.

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