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Rosaria was a fantastic teacher, always patient and observant in anything (Y/N) did. Her lessons went smoothly with no hindrances or distractions, and she found (Y/N) to be an excellent student as well. They would pick up on things quickly and Rosaria never had to repeat herself twice, it was rather impressive and they showed lots of promise. Rosaria was absolutely happy with (Y/N)'s progress, (Y/N) destined to become a master at stealth in no time. 

But the thing is... one night of stealth training wouldn't progress anyone to a point of being proficient at it in the slightest.

(Y/N) though otherwise and decided to try and test out their new skills, unsurprisingly leading to their latest dilemma.


The atmosphere was serene and peaceful, but it was not something anyone wanted to experience for long with how dangerous it could be. Cold, frigid air blew all over the large mountain, the peak of it no doubt more relentless, and only those brave or stupid enough would venture forward unprepared. 

Small puffs of air blew out from an unconscious person's body as they laid in the snow, their body leaving an indent while snow gently settled on the ground all around them. Seeing as the snow was piling up on them, they must have been there for a while. Their skin had lost a bit of its tone and was a more cold looking color, their body shivering  ever so slightly as the frost numbed their limbs in the worst way possible.

Another person leaned over this unconscious person, staring down at them as they contemplated something. He crouched over where they laid, the snow falling at an angle so his body blocked it from piling up any more on the unconscious person's body. The cold didn't seem to phase him in the slightest while he inspected to see if the person still had a pulse, the pulse steady and clear, not faint in the slightest like he assumed it would be.

His nose was tinted pinkish, a natural blush forming at his cheeks from the stingingly cold weather. But, unlike the person he hovered over, he was much more prepared for this type of environment. He sighed before shrugging his shoulders and taking his bag, laying it on the snow in front of him while he opened it up. He sifted through it for a while from the vast amount of supplies he had, before pulling out what he was looking for and nodding to himself. 

He leaned forward, looming over the unconscious person to get a better view of them while muttering out an 'excuse me' as he invaded their personal space. And just as he did that, the person's eyes shot open, their (E/C) eyes glaring into his Icey blue ones.

"Yo where tf am I? It's freezing." They mumbled out, their voice a bit raspy. The immediate sign of life and energy of the person caught the man a bit off guard, his eyes widening slightly before they narrowed seriously. 

"Hold still." He demanded while pushing them to lay back down on the snow as they attempted to sit up. It was kind of a rough push, (Y/N) as you may have already guessed being the unconscious person, slamming back into the ground. Their eyes shot wide open in panic but they said nothing for a moment, the man staring with serious eyes and not saying anything. 


(Y/N) immediately shot back up, sitting upright and started swatting at the orange haired man who reeled back defensively and raised his hands.

"WHAT?! GET OFF ME WEIRDO!" (Y/N) shouted while clutching one hand to their chest and dramatically flailing their other hand, rapidly moving their head to look around them for an escape route, while also trying to figure out where the hell they were. 

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