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Due to popular demand... part 2 of the previous chapter! R.I.P (Y/N), you won't be missed much tbh.


"Move over, I'm trying to see too!"

The two troublemakers shoved one another as they tried to get a look through the small crack from the slightly opened door, keeping their voices low so no one would catch what they were doing. They were up to their usual no good, that would pose the biggest problem yet. Worse than the window breaking incident.

"But we already confirmed he left the teapot, right?" Venti reminded as he pushed the door open a little wider so that the both could look instead of shoving one another out of the way to get a peek. (Y/N) nodded their head before pressing their face closer to the entrance of the room to try and get a good scan inside it without going directly in it yet.

"Yeah, I think he mentioned he had to go to Dragonspine for something at breakfast today." (Y/N) confirmed, their finger going up as they recalled the exact words the alchemist had said.

Venti just grinned deviously as if these words had confirmed something for him, pushing the door so it swung further open as he was convinced everything would be fine. They would just get a quick peek to see if there was any more of those creatures and be on their way, nothing more nothing less...

"Then we should just go in! It'll be fine, I'll protect you~" He drawled out with an uncaring wave of his hand, his vision strapped at his side knowing that if anything did go bad, he'd be there to ensure (Y/N)'s safety.

"NO! You weren't there to witness it... that... creature!" (Y/N) immediately denied with a shake of their head, having second thoughts of going through with this just in case there really was more of them.

"You're just being dramatic." Venti simply said while sticking out his tongue and pulling down his eyelid, irritating (Y/N) as they looked over shocked at the accusation.

"I'M BEING DRAMATIC?! VENTI DID YOU SEE AETHER REMOVING THE FLOOR BOARDS BECAUSE THEY HAD GIANT HOLES BURNT THROUGH THEM?!" (Y/N) shouted as they tried to convince Venti this wasn't something they should simply mess around with, because it was highly dangerous.

Venti simply wouldn't budge, standing up as he gripped one of his hands onto the doorframe.

"...We can't let that stop us now, we've come this far."  Venti said with a determined nod, the door opened wide in front of them. An eerie and unsettling feeling radiated inside the room that tried to pull them in to enter, though they felt that was only their imagination.

(Y/N) grabbed onto Venti's outstretched hand that was offered to help them stand up from their crouched position, sending a small nod in thanks to which Venti reciprocated with a grin.

"Damn you, always dragging me along... fine, but I'm leaving if there's really any more in here." (Y/N) agreed, which made Venti smile brightly and let out a small charming laugh, (Y/N) reciprocating with a reluctant smile.

The two then had slipped into Albedo's room, Venti holding a candle that lit up the dark room since the shades were closed. (Y/N)'s first destination was to dart for the blinds to open them up, but Venti had insisted it wasn't necessary since they needed atmosphere for their 'adventure'. The source of light Venti held was efficient anyways, and he didn't want to go back to put it out. 

Albedo would probably be irritated knowing their was a lit fire near his lab and painting area, but it's fine since he probably won't find out.

"There's so much stuff in here! Where are we even supposed to start looking?" Venti said in awe, since despite living here the longest of everyone, he had yet to see many of the roommates personal rooms unless he was invited into them. He was mostly invited to play tunes, which he was more than happy to do, as his tunes soothed the soul after long hard days of work.

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