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Chill chapter, mild angst(?), Flashback at the end


Ganyu and (Y/N) didn't remain by themselves for long and by the time two other individuals arrived, Ganyu was too late in building up the courage to say what was really on her mind. To say it not with the responsible front she was giving, but of the one belonging to an old friend.

An elderly woman tenderly folded her hands behind her back, intertwining them as she was slightly hunched over and walked cautiously with every step. Small strands of gray hair stuck out from her usual tidy bun, her small circular glasses being quickly pushed up the bridge of her nose from time to time before she returned her arm to its resting place behind her.

Just beside Madame Ping was Yanfei, who accompanied her all the way here. She fidgeted with her hat once (Y/N) and Ganyu came in view, making sure it was perfectly centered on her head while she threw back a strand of pink hair over her shoulder. She did anything to distract herself and her growing worries, already reviewing laws in her head as a way to calm down. Unfortunately the ones she instinctively listed internally were all ones (Y/N) was guilty of. To say they were on her mind a lot was an understatement.

Madame Ping, clearly the most composed of the group, gave a closed eyed smile as she approached the two.

"If it isn't (Y/N). You haven't changed at all, physically."

(Y/N) loudly groaned, not even bothering to hide their annoyance as they rolled their eyes.

"Why is she here."

Madame Ping shook her head. "Sorry dear, you have no room to talk. We're wondering the same about you. Why now must you return to torment the land of Liyue?"

While the two conversed, Ganyu motioned Yanfei to her side to which she followed through with no complaint. The two softly whispered to one another as they occasionally glanced over at (Y/N), who was scowling at the elderly woman.

"I returned for my vision. It's always brought me comfort." They said as if it were the most obvious thing.

And to Madame Ping, it was obvious.

Deep down she knew they wouldn't let it go without persistence— it was something always in their life and something they could always depend on.

"And it's always brought other people despair." She said as she solemnly shook her head.

Clearly they've changed emotionally and she could tell they were much more stable, however she feared if the vision got into their hands once again, history would repeat. They still haven't paid for their past crimes and there was no room for forgiveness or redemption, even though she knew for a fact in this moment in time they were mentally mended for the most part.

They narrowed their eyes, trying to figure out the deeper meaning to her words because there always was one.

And then it clicked. Of course their father would tell others, and of course their hatred and anger towards him only continued to sizzle as they bit the inside of their cheek to calm themself down.

"He told you." They said, the hint of anger in their voice easily being picked up by Madame Ping.

She nodded. "Every little detail. How could he not after you murdered Skybracer?"

It grew tensely quiet, (Y/N) resuming to pick at long blades of grass as they dug their nail in the middle to split it before intertwining it with the grass they were playing with earlier. There really wasn't much else to do.

Without looking up, (Y/N) changed the topic as they spoke quietly but loud enough for all three to hear.

"The teapot..." The started, trailing off as if expecting Madame Ping to know where they were headed and give an immediate answer.

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