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Jean and Lisa were both busy women, and despite Lisa being more lenient with her work, they at one point had to depart from (Y/N) to get back to it. The three had went together into the teapot since Jean had something she needed to pick up, while Lisa simply joined for curiosity sake. I mean, it's not everyday you see people who live in a literal teapot, and Lisa found it extremely adorable.

Lisa had left with Jean as they gave their farewells to (Y/N), who reciprocated the farewells while mentioning that they all needed to hang out some time when they were all free. 

Two people inside the home pressed their faces against the window and watched the whole interaction going down, plotting something with one another, though (Y/N) never noticed them. 

(Y/N) stretched their limbs as they made eye contact with Tubby, sending the finch a soft smile before making their way to go inside. The grass under their foot flattened with their every step, appreciating the atmosphere their semi-new home provided since they didn't get to often. Despite being inside a teapot, the warm sun still bathed their skin in a delightful comfort, the wind softly blowing before it ceased once they reached the entrance of the house.

Once (Y/N) swung the door open, they were greeted with two individuals who stood there with their hands on their hips, narrowed eyes staring right at (Y/N) making them reel back in a moment of shock. 

"You..." Paimon's high pitched voice drawled out, low and dangerous as she scrutinized (Y/N) who began to profusely sweat at the intense stares. 

"You...!" Venti added, shaking his head in disapproval as he gripped his hands tighter to his hips. 

"YOU WOMANIZER!" Paimon suddenly screeched as she pointed an accusing finger at (Y/N), who's eyes widened in shock at what Paimon had said. They wondered if Paimon even knew what that meant, the chances of Venti just telling her to say that very likely. 

"HUH?! WHAT'RE YOU TALKING ABOUT, DEVIL?!" (Y/N) screeched back in shock, completely caught off guard from what Paimon was implying the type of person (Y/N) was, which was far from it for the most part. 

"WOMANIZER!" Venti added on, sticking his tongue out in disgust while internally snickering mischievously. Aether, who was always with Paimon, lazed on the lounge couch and watched the interaction like it was entertainment, which to him it was.

"Not you too, Venti..." (Y/N) whined out and clasped their hands together, Venti for once not on their side for the dispute they were in. This was an act of betrayal, and (Y/N) would remember this for as long as they lived.

Paimon was quick to continue, really getting into the role of interrogator. No wonder Venti and (Y/N) liked to cause so much trouble, it was kind of fun. Aether didn't mind the chaos as it was better than them not getting along... even if the bonding was considered teasing and arguing most of the time. 

"Returning home with not only the Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, but the librarian too?!" 

That confirmed it, Paimon knew damn well what she was talking about. A look of horror struck Paimon's face as she dramatically gasped, Venti biting his lip to prevent himself form bursting out in laughter before becoming serious again.

(Y/N) spluttered and stared at Paimon incredulously, and little did they know Venti had told Paimon "Womanizer" was just an insult for someone who hangs out with more than one person at once, typically women.

"It's not what you think!" (Y/N) defended while putting their hands up in defense and shaking their head in denial. 

"Mhm, save it for the court!" Venti countered, making (Y/N) blink in disbelief. Would this seriously lead to another house meeting, with the topic of (Y/N) being a "womanizer"? If so, they weren't looking forward to this one.

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