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And I thought Diluc was hard to write... god damn this girl had me contemplating life. Enjoy! <3


"Farewell, my loyal subjects. I see your faces are filled with fear and trepidation of what lies beyond the protective barriers, but fear not! Those that dare to disturb the peace and tranquility of our beloved Mondstadt shall answer to the Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"

"Yeah, just stay safe out there! See ya' Miss Fischl!" The stationary patrol guard waved off and sent the young girl a gentle smile, the two on equal ground with one another for their mutual occupations of keeping their home safe.

Fischl simply nodded her head in understanding, unwilling to explain that she wouldn't need luck since she's already told him that same thing many times before. It was routine for her to say her farewells to the gate guards when she left, after all it was only common courtesy for someone as humble as her, despite knowing how significant she was compared to many others. 

Fischl walked down the small area of dirt path, her companion floating besides her as obediently as ever. Once her heels hit the cobbled stone of the bridge, every step she took clicked against the structure as she confidently strode to her destination. Oz flew besides her in sync, watching their surroundings while letting his raven-colored feathers absorb the heat of the sun.

Today was warmer than most, obvious with the distortion of their surroundings from the heat waves that beamed around. The river below the bridge seemed irresistible on such a day, ducks sitting atop the cool water and enjoying every bit of it.

Fischl swiftly adjusted her mesh sleeve as she walked, the heat a real nuisance, although she played it off as if it didn't bother her in the slightest.

"Ozzie.. my dear familiar." She trailed off while glancing to the side, Oz flying beside her on the side her eyepatch was on so that he could survey if anything came from that side where Fischl may have missed because of the accessory.

"Ozzie? What's gotten into you?" Oz's deep voice thundered around them, the first he had spoken since they left because he was quite startled at the nickname.

Fischl paid that no mind and continued to give her order while walking, lightly brushing the bangs out of her face as she did so from the heat that was forming beneath them.

"Her Majesty beseeches you to unfurl your blessed wings, and with them blot out the heavens, plunging the world into eternal night..." Fischl said as she posed, angling her hand to touch her forehead as she glanced upwards towards the sun, but quickly looked away while shutting her eyes.

"If you didn't bring your parasol with you, that's your own fault, mein Fräulein!" Oz scolded having understood her true intentions, as he as well felt as if he were going to melt on the spot.

With a click of her tongue, she only proceeded to continue walking, figuring that he was right and there was not much else to be done if the heavens decided to be extra hellish today. Though, she was quick to notice how Oz made effort to flap his wings with more pressure in order to send a soft breeze her way. 

It didn't take long for the two to run into a situation, quickly dealing with the small hydro slimes with ease. It was rather close to the city, though mere miniature slimes posed no real threat whatsoever, so it was nothing to keep note of.

The two would then keep strolling towards their destination while Fischl recited some fascinating tale she had heard of to Oz, a rumor of a strange individual that seemed to pop up out of nowhere making a name for themself in Mondstadt, and while it was mostly a negative name for themself, it wasn't anything malicious.

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