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Hit after hit, the two swords clashed in a near evenly-matched fierce battle that left no room for mercy. Cuts were littered all over as broken through skin that was once flawless appeared on both ends as each sword would barely nick one another before being deflected or dodged.

(Y/N) found a second opening where they could have left a significant wound, however they resisted and instead backed off as a chill went down their spine. Panting, (Y/N) exhaustedly looked over at the Raiden Shogun who went eerily silent, the buzzing from her sword dying down as she stopped attacking in full.

Paimon was shouting at Aether, who's eyes began to flutter open to see a multitude of faces from the revolutionary along with Kazuha and Paimon peering down at him.

The fight between (Y/N) and the Puppet led the two deeper within her residence, the soldiers stationed inside having long fled the scene and the two standing in an eerily quiet silence. When they felt that lifeless body suddenly brim with personality and warmth, they subtly smiled before tossing the sword they took from Kazuha ungracefully to the side.

They looked away from Ei, who was taking in the atmosphere and feeling it against her bare flesh for the first time in hundreds of years before spitting out blood that was gathering in their mouth from having the hilt of their sword hit their jaw when blocking an attack earlier.

"This is..." She mumbled as she glanced over at them from hearing the sound, looking before her to see a familiar and unchanging face.

"Welcome home, Ei."

The appearance of a third party arriving behind (Y/N) wasn't unexpected to either of them as Yae Miko approached and gave the archon a small wave, moving towards (Y/N) who sweat dropped remembering that whole manuscript of hers that they lost.

"Looks like we're all back together again." She continued, strutting besides (Y/N) and running her fingers along the length of their arm as she passed them before walking past fully and flashing them a smirk.

They raised an eyebrow at her as she moved to stand in between (Y/N) and Ei, the three forming a lazy triangle as they stared one another down. Moving closer in order to lessen the distance between all of them, (Y/N) walked forward while ignoring the stinging in their body from the cuts they sustained from the battle earlier.

They had multiple drawbacks after all, not being able to use their full ability since they didn't have their vision and they tossed the delusion which may had been useful in the long run, though electro wasn't that fun of an ability in their opinion.

"Yeah it does, you feeling alright, Ei?" They asked, looking at the woman who adjusted her tilted hair clip as she nodded her head.

Stands of purple hair fled from the elegant braid that followed her, swaying in the breeze and framing her face messily as a result of the battle. She hummed as she lifted her arm in front of her and turned it around, looking at the small cuts on her fingers and her perfectly intact light purple nail polish.

"Mhm, were you fighting me earlier?" She asked, figuring if anyone could keep up with her it would be (Y/N). After all, they helped in training her so many years ago, many skills she had learned with using a blade being branched off from them teaching her the basics.

They nodded their head, glancing over at the sword that they had discarded at the end of the battle and back over to her, their (E/C) eyes clashing with Ei's purple ones.

"Your puppet, yes. It doesn't hurt too bad does it?" (Y/N) asked, glancing over at her to see her unchanging facial features showed no wince of pain, but she was always good at hiding her emotions.

Her response came without missing a beat as she shook her head back and forth lightly.

"Not at all."

She remained silent for a moment, looking at the devastation around them. The pavement was cracked in some areas where they needed to hold their ground from attacks, rubble decorated the ground, and sharp stones jutted out in awkward angles. Taking in the pathetic sight of the once esteemed and well maintained palace, she felt her lips tug downwards in a frown as she contemplated the words she was told within the Plane of Euthymia.

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