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Sitting crossed legged on the ground, the only thing (Y/N) did was stare upwards inquisitively making people that occasionally walked past them send over strange looks. Whether it be out of curiosity to see what they were up to or for the simple fact they were wary if (Y/N) was going to cause more trouble, bystanders would look at them in recognition before going on with their day deciding not to get involved.

Occasionally, (Y/N) would switch to more comfortable sitting positions, but their focus never waned when it was directed towards the large object in front of them.

The large stone that was carved to form a slender figure was something they just couldn't take their eyes off of. The way the person depicted had their cloak hugging their body all the way down to their feet and how their hood hid their identity; yet their face was on full display without coverage was simply mesmerizing.

Sprouting from their back, two large wings safely secured the person, and as they gently held out their hands with their palms facing upwards, a peaceful expression was carved for the face that matched this gentle gesture. The two braids that fell over their shoulder sat just above this persons chest and in the middle of their chest displayed a brooch of some sort that was probably responsible for holding their cloak together.

(Y/N) hummed as they twirled their imaginary mustache around their finger.

"Hmm... why does this mf bartobas look familiar?" They questioned out loud, fully ready to go detective mode and perhaps get Venti to help, but they were quickly cut off when a voice who had overheard them mumbling to themself interrupted.

"It's pronounced Barbatos!" Bennett corrected, remembering how (Y/N) once told him they personally have never been to Mondstadt until they met Aether. His hands were firmly placed on his hips and his steampunk-like goggles rested awkwardly on his head. All in all, he looked rather disheveled, but he still managed to show a big grin to his adventure partner.


Having popped up out of nowhere, Bennett had caught (Y/N) off guard and scared them, their eyes wide as they no longer stared at the statue but at the boy with soft ashy-blonde hair.

Their panic settled upon recognizing it was just the person they had planned to meet up with, a deep exhale of relief falling from their lips as they thankfully weren't assassinated or something.

"Oh, it's just you." (Y/N) blandly stated as they put a hand atop their thigh and other hand on the ground as they stabilized themself to stand up.

Bennett outstretched his hand in their direction and nodded his head, (Y/N) taking it with no hesitation. Their palms intertwined and with a firm grasp, (Y/N) was successfully lifted up from the ground.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late! My bag opened up and fell into a puddle, so I was trying to dry up as much stuff as I could." Bennett explained sheepishly as (Y/N) slipped their hand out of his after sending him a thankful smile at the gesture. Their smile then morphed into concern as they stared at the lightly dampened messenger bag that no doubt had its contents soiled too.

"Anyways, what were you saying?" Bennett diverted the attention from him to instead question about what (Y/N) was mumbling about before, more concerned over their confusion on the statue of Barbatos.

(Y/N)'s hand flaunted itself in the air as they dismissed the boy's concerns about their immense lack of knowledge about Mondstadt, instead deciding to speed things along to begin the day they had planned to spend together.

"Oh, Nevermind that! We have things to do, don't we?" They reminded while completely forgetting about their previous dilemma regarding the archon that reigned over Mondstadt.

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