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Threading their fingers repeatedly though the soft and silky array of orange and white, (Y/N) sat still as they sniffled quietly, the only motion being their hand repeatedly moving as they stared forward blankly. Occasionally, the item would twitch stiffly or wag back and forth lowly, though the action would be quickly suppressed every time by the owner of the appendage.

Ears pressed flat against his head and eyes narrowed in irritation, Gorou glared down his two soldiers who looked as if they were being accused of murder. One had his hands pressed stiffly against his sides as he stood tall and anxious, while the other looked everywhere but the display in front of him— which consisted of his higher up being coddled by the stranger he regretfully brought into their encampment.

Gorou's eyebrow twitched in irritation as he felt another gentle stroke move along his tail, forcing him to break the tense silence that had befell the four in the tent.

"Would someone like to explain to me, and make it quick, why this person is here?" He asked while shutting his eyes gently and crossing his arms over his chest in a composed stance, doing his best to ignore the person who never once stopped petting his tail even when he spoke up about them.

Stepping forward, the more anxious soldier lightly dipped his head downwards to form an apologetic bow in the presence of his superior.

"General Gorou, I'm so sorry I swear I only looked away for a second!" He defended, which was exactly what happened. How was he supposed to know that while he left to use the restroom for a moment that (Y/N) would decide to explore the place and attach themself to his general's side? He at least expected them to communicate with fellow soldiers, or wait for his return, but it seems they made themself a little too comfortable here.

Before anyone could respond, a cute almost condescending sounding giggle erupted from Gorou's side, making him peer his eyes open while the two soldiers fearfully looked in their direction with robotic movements.

Patting Gorou's tail twice before pushing off shedded hair onto the floor of the tent, (Y/N) smiled cheekily as they looked from his tail to his ears before landing their attention on his face, noticing he was side eyeing them with furrowed eyebrows and creased eyes filled with irritation.

"You're so silly. What's a cute little fox like you leading an army for?" They asked before looking down and returning to grooming his tail— which is something he never requested of them and it was what they immediately went to doing without saying a word when they trespassed into the tent.

Lips parting slightly so that there was room for his ghost to fly out of his body and ascend to the next life, Teppei mumbled towards the sky as he questioned what he did wrong for it all to come to this. Now there was no way that he would get recognition or a promotion, perhaps he would even be kicked out of the resistance and seen as a threat on par to the Shogun herself.

"C-cute?" Teppei whispered under his breath as he felt his stomach churn to do summersaults.

Popping his head in from outside while holding a bundle of arrows, a passing soldier who was eavesdropping added on to the near-dead man's mumbling as his face contorted into shock and horror.


With a tensed face of humiliation that was hidden away with a calm facade, Gorou grit his teeth as he frowned and mumbled,


Sighed heavily and shaking his head back and forth, his patience was being maintained by only a thread and he could feel his face heat up as he gave his full attention back to his soldiers, the one that was eavesdropping quick to make an exit since he didn't want to be on the end of his superior's wrath if it were applicable.

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