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Just in case, warning for first part: A lil NSFW?? Not like smut but def uhhh kinky. Skip until you see the next dashes with a heart in between if you're uninterested, it's just scenarios of living with Heizou this chapter!


Dreams always came vivid to (Y/N). Whether these dreams replayed memories or created fake scenarios, they always seemed so realistic that it was hard to differentiate being awake or asleep.

In their current dream, they were being beat up by a 6-foot ginger that looked exactly like the man they met on Dragonspine a long time ago. They were curled up into a ball as they held their head in their arms, trying desperately to lessen the blow of the kicks they were receiving.

The torturous noise of the pigeons cheering in the crowd for the obscenely large orange haired man made them feel humiliated, begging for forgiveness as they tried to explain that he had the wrong person.

"GAH! NO NO MISTER TIMMIE, IT WAS VENTI NOT ME!" (Y/N) had shouted in defense just as the large orange haired boy poured a bucket of regurgitated pigeon puke all over them.

The scene suddenly morphed into a classical Inazuma style apartment instead of the bridge outside of Mondstadt as (Y/N) shot awake, drenched in not puke, but water.

Timmie now looked like Heizou, who held a now empty basin that held water as he loomed over (Y/N) who was in a deep sleep on the futon.

He snorted lightly, looking down at the person who had worse nightmares than normal because of him as they caught their breath and tried to calm their rapidly beating heart.

"Pfff, you're as brain dead in your dreams as you are awake." Heizou snorted as he tossed the wooden basin aside, the item clanking against the floor as he figured he would order (Y/N) to pick it back up later if they wanted to use the bath.

"You— why did you do that!?" They demanded to know through a strangled cough as some of the water had gone up their nose which caused this unbearable burning sensation.

"Oh, this? It's an Inazuman custom used to wake people up in the morning and tell them breakfast is ready." Heizou explained while raising his eyebrow to stare down at them, waiting for the quip they would no doubt respond with.

"Oh really?" They asked with a sarcastic tone, glaring at the detective that was obviously playing stupid with them. They had to bear with it all night yesterday after all, so there was no doubt in their mind that today would hold plenty of conflict with him as well.

He gasped dramatically, a hand moving to cover the lower half of his face as he was accused of being a liar.

"Why, do you think its not? Don't be self centered cuz' you're from another region, there's customs outside of your own, you know." He scolded, his tone mocking as he waited for them to either say something disrespectful or apologize from feeling guilty if they thought it was true.

Unfortunately for him, they had lived in Inazuma for some time long ago and were not familiar with this technique in the slightest. Instead of calling him out, they decided to give him their own fair share of 'culture shock'.

"Well then it's only fair I share some of my region's specialities." They said with a smirk that made Heizou feel uneasy, unsure of what they were intending to do since he had not predicted this far on how they would react.

His eyes widened as they launched themself at him, fully expecting them to get violent as he raised his hands to guard his face. They grabbed his waist and leaned all their weight against him, Heizou toppling over while (Y/N) was fully prepared to fall with him. His hat flew off his head mid fall and he gasped as he felt himself lose balance completely— his foot slipping leaving no chance to stop the fall to the ground.

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