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"(Y/N)! Say, how about ya' marry me? You'd make the perfect significant other! Dumb ones are kinda cute, plus you brought all this delicious fish that'll last us days!"



The cabin exploded in laughter as everyone that was gathered for supper watched the interaction in amusement, finding that teasing and annoying (Y/N) turned out to be one of their favorite past times.

Blocking out the obnoxious squawking of the pirates, (Y/N) irritatingly stomped their way over towards Aether, who was sitting alone since Paimon was taken to be observed by the pirates since she was considered a strange artifact in their eyes. He smiled upon seeing them approach, watching the whole ordeal and understanding their frustrations since they had been getting pestered all night.

They pulled out the stool across from him, the screeching of the legs against the ground making him wince, but he didn't voice any complaints. He watched as they plopped down and pouted, immediately looking over at him as they leaned against the table lazily and intended to make conversation. 

"Man, I swear I'm gonna kick their asses one day." They complained, silently listening in on their conversation that switched to the topic of the competition for the vision and asking Paimon why she didn't participate.

Aether shook his head as he released his grip from the tankards handle, leaning his elbow on the table and placing his cheek in the palm of his hand to give (Y/N) his full attention.

"Don't worry about it too much, they're just having their fun." He assured, though (Y/N) didn't look to convinced as their head shot up from it laying down in their arms that were crossed atop the table.

"I don't go begging to marry people when I'm having fun though--!"

"--Yes you do."

(Y/N)'s face turned stone and their instinct was to mutter a small 'oh fuck' under their breath, hoping Aether didn't hear their less than appropriate language.

"Do I really? When??" They asked, one of their hands shifting upwards to rub the side of their head gently to try and recall if they've ever asked anyone to be betrothed to them.

Aether rolled his eyes as he remembers the day all to well-- personally bearing witness to the events that led to him experiencing Diluc's infamous rage that seemed to be directed only towards a certain three first hand.

"Do you not remember that time you proposed to Kaeya in the Angel's share tavern? And he accepted?" He questioned, and just as he said that they immediately lit up in recognition as if recalling something like that did happen. 

"Holy shit I'm married..." They muttered, astonished and quite terrified at the same time creating a unique expression that made Aether's lips quirk up into a smile.

"You guys divorced in the same night, don't worry about it." He reassured, though that only made (Y/N) more curious to know just what type of drama happened for them to get married and divorced in the same night. Whatever the reason was probably Kaeya's fault, since (Y/N) is just far too perfect to ever divorce. 

Another uproar of laughter emerged making (Y/N) wince, the group of drunken pirates having the time of their lives as they told tales and spewed jokes with one another.

"Man it's so loud in here! Let's step out so we can continue talking!" (Y/N) shouted above the voices for Aether to hear, his response just as loud.

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