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For the next few days, (Y/N) would find themself crashing at the resistance's main base, finding that they greatly enjoyed both Kokomi and Gorou's company. They also liked the soldier named Teppei only because it was easy to get under his skin— not to mention he was the one that found them at that hilichurl camp a while back.

While (Y/N) continued to plot vengeance against Heizou and Itto, two people they found had become centers of their irritation since they got in Inazuma, Kokomi and Gorou were planning their next course of action that they would lead the resistance to take.

In the center of the room was a large wooden table, a map spread across it while red marks were vandalizing the paper completely. Although there were three chairs around this table, two were discarded for their use as Kokomi and Gorou stood while leaning their palms on the table and looking over the map while discussing strategies.

The third was occupied by (Y/N), who was sitting sideways with their legs swung over the armrest and head thrown back uncomfortably as they stared at the ceiling. Hanging from their mouth was a sweet flower stem, the long green stick dangling and moving around as they chewed on the end for the flavor it provided.

When Kokomi and Gorou had thought they weren't paying attention and were just sulking because they can't play with Kokomi's horns or Gorou's ears and tail, they were actually listening in on their plans. Normally this would be highly confidential and someone who popped up randomly one day and befriended them wouldn't be allowed to listen, but the two highly doubt they had ill intentions.

After all, (Y/N) was defiant of the oppression in Inazuma in the first place, but from what they gathered from their stay here so far, they weren't the brightest. Or so they thought.

The two were stumped on what their next course of actions should be, and while a silence finally befell the two after tossing ideas back and forth for nearly an hour, (Y/N), who was still staring up at the ceiling, spoke up. (Y'all bear with me, pretend they sound smart and very war knowledgeable. I'm a 17 y/o FF writer not a war criminal 💀)

"I think it would be smarter for a few members from one of the platoons to focus on reconnaissance as your top priority for the time being."

The two looked over at (Y/N), who's lidded eyes never left from analyzing the dents in the ceiling. Kokomi unfurled her clenched fists that were atop the table and looked over at them curiously while Gorou was mildly surprised they had something to say since he was so deep in focus he had forgotten they were there.

The two watched as they stretched their arms out, prolonged and casually as they squeezed their eyes shut and groaned from the pain of the angle they had been sitting in. They turned so that their knees that were supported by the armrest now fell over to the side of the chair, sitting like a normal person would instead of sideways.

(Y/N) lifted one of their hands and messaged their neck with their fingers, pain shooting through it as the thrown back position had made it ache from returning to a straight position after so long. Realizing the two were thinking on what they said, they decided to help out some more by throwing out more ideas.

"And rather than having the Swordfish platoon burn the provisions, you could utilize them for yourselves. Better yet you don't have to bother using a platoon for that purpose. Place less skilled soldiers in charge of recovering these resources or even gather courageous civilians with no skill in fighting that could be of worth." They suggested with a shrug of their shoulders, figuring that the food and weapon supplies would be better off being used to benefit them instead of being wasted.

It would just harm the environment if they were burned and by taking them the commission isn't only deterred, but the resistance is benefited.

Kokomi hummed in thought, the idea something she's pondered over before but within different circumstances. She was sure it were possible to obtain the resources, but it was risky and she was unsure if they could be trapped or simply impossible with the enemies numbers. The reconnaissance suggestion would no doubt help for that, but there were always downsides and unexpected developments they had to be two steps ahead of at all times.

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