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"Augh, did Aether and Paimon really leave me because they saw a fly? Is a fly more interesting than me?"

Having just rained, the sand and grass along the creak was wet, Venti kicking at the moist ground while walking with a dejected pout. His hands were placed firmly on his hips as he muttered things under his breath, looking up ever so often like a lost child. Fish gently swam in the creak, going along with the currents while they feasted on any small plants or insects that decided to play in the water, Venti taking a moment to look at the colorful and unique creatures.

He crouched down, a snapdragon to his right while he folded his hands under his thighs, whistling as he tried to charm the fishes to get closer. The fishes responded by swimming further away, to which he just stuck his tongue out and muttered about 'catching them later to have them for dinner'.

"Y-ouch!" Venti exclaimed, kicking his foot as he flailed his arm around, which resulted in him falling flat on his butt. Venti glared at the golden crab that decided it would attach its claws around his shoe, not exactly pinching his toes but the pressure still hurt.

"What was that for?!" Venti asked with an irritated expression but didn't really expect an answer. He watched in irritation as the crab simply waddled away like it didn't just assault him for absolutely no reason. He was really tempted to chase it down and serve some Adeptus temptation for dinner tonight, but the sound of... bubbling or gurgling took him out of his thoughts.

Blub blub blub blub blub

"Eh?" Venti stood up and looked to where the crab had scurried to, which was behind a rock conveniently shielding whatever was making that noise. Venti blinked rapidly before taking cautious steps over, half expecting a sleeping hilichurl, and least expecting what he had found.

"Urghh... Haha... Paimon, I'm not edible either..." The voice was muffled as they were face first into the sand, though Venti could clearly hear what they were mumbling in their unconscious state. His eyes widened at the familiar figure, the golden crab standing on their back in dominance as if it were boasting about the prey it had caught.

His heart felt as if it had dropped when he saw them motionlessly laying there, standing completely silent with parted lips for a moment as he processed the scene. He then reeled back in shock and unintentionally raised his voice when expressing his concern.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?!" He shouted, quick to rush over and slide on his knees, checking their vitals even though they obviously were the one talking before, though it slipped his mind during the panic he experienced. (Y/N) shot up and rapidly looked around, startled at the loud voice, the crab flying off their back in the process.

"WAH--" They shouted frantically, panickily looking around them until their eyes landed on venti. They glared at Venti and let out a breath of relief, shaking their head in disappointment to which Venti was baffled with. "--Can you be more considerate, I'm trying to sleep."

"WHA--?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!" Venti immediately exclaimed. It was only then (Y/N) noticing that they were soaked in water, a fish peeking out of their pocket. (Y/N) blinked repeatedly as they thought back to previous events, their face draining of color as they finally registered their situation.

"...Oh yeah." They calmly stated, whispering out the realization, though that calmness didn't last for long.

"AHHHHH!" (Y/N) shot up, standing as they frantically looked around, screaming even louder if possible when they saw the fish in their pocket.

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