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Steadily, more and more people that were invited to the Halloween party had started to arrive. It wasn't long after the first group consisting of roommates that those familiar faces began to intermingle and talk around the large firepit that Hu Tao and (Y/N) had created.

Currently, (Y/N) had a furious look on their face as they thought about throttling the man in front of them, even though the reason for the current dilemma was completely out of his control.

He coolly lifted his hands up in front of him and shook his head back and forth, trying to ease the air of irritation that was directed to him.

"Now now, I told you already. Lisa refuses to come unless all the pumpkins are removed." Kaeya said, the motion from his movements making the earring that hung from his left ear swing. It had also made the hair he had tied and laid over his shoulder threaten to become settled against his back, though he was quick to glide his fingers below it to fix it in place.

His fingerless gloves had provided no warmth for the tips of his fingers, and so his immediate reaction was to wrap his arms back over his chest so that the light breeze wouldn't graze his fingers while they were stationary in the air.

He deadpanned at the sour look that appeared on (Y/N)'s face, though found their reaction feasible seeing as they had mentioned they were really looking forward to seeing Lisa again.

"...I didn't just pick the finest pumpkins in our garden for no reason! UGH~" (Y/N) groaned as they contemplated what they would do knowing they didn't want to exclude someone because of their possible trauma or phobias.

Kaeya really didn't have any suggestions, though he made effort to act as if he were thinking of one by humming in response. (Y/N)'s eyes squeezed tightly shut and they crouched to the ground, Kaeya watching in confusion as their finger then found its way to their chin in an overdramatized thinking position. He really had to teach them some tricks of the trade, because in his opinion, their acting could really use some work.

He tilted his head, and after a full minute of figurative question marks flying all around the party planner, an exclamation point seemed to overshadow the question marks.

"Fine! We'll just have to move the pumpkin carving so that its the very first thing we do." (Y/N) declared as they shot up, their legs cramping from the squatting position making them kick their foot out to ease the feeling.

Kaeya shrugged his shoulders to show he didn't care of what order things were done, just that he was looking forward to a good night. (Y/N) looked around before pin pointing a certain location, glancing back at Kaeya to show him narrowed and distrustful eyes.

"You can just sleaze around over here, I'm going to tell Hu Tao! Don't get into any trouble, okay?" (Y/N) said, knowing that the first thing Kaeya would look for is a way to start problems, especially with Diluc attending the party, who currently was enjoying a drink with Jean as they chatted amicably. 

Before Kaeya could even respond to that, to which he had much to say, a voice had interrupted the two as the owner of it approached them, their heels silent as they dug in the grass to mask the click it would normally make.

"No worries, I'll keep him company." The woman said, her short hair hidden behind a veil that belonged to those who devoted themselves to the church. The rings on her fingers reached to her knuckles and her left hand had those fingers curled and pressed against her hip, her eyes gliding between the two as her face held an apathetic expression. 

"Ah, that's a relief. Thanks, Master Rosaria! Make sure he doesn't bother Diluc. I better see no fights breaking out." (Y/N) said with a large smile in appreciation as well as a wave of their hand, signaling they were going to take their leave and allow the nun to take over from here.

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