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Warnings: Angst, Death, Blood,

——————Flashback Chapter, Synopsis at end——————

Rex Lapis was well respected even before he became the archon of Liyue. He was admired for his strength in battle and his ability to come up with plans that always succeeded no matter how trivial or risky they were. He was wise and knowledgeable in nearly all matters, and he had quickly made allies of Adepti far and wide over the land of Liyue who pledged loyalty to him.

So when news got out that him and his lover were having a child, word among his comrades spread like wildfire as they congratulated him with utmost joy. The couple couldn't have been happier, especially as they watched the child that Rex Lapis had donned the name '(Y/N)' grow up as a prodigy. Naturally gifted in almost everything they did, they were known as the miracle child of Liyue, and Rex Lapis would take it upon himself to cultivate their strengths to its finest potential.

Who knew one day all records and scriptures of this miracle child would be lost within bonfires and relentless flames as the past would steadily remove someone from its existence— to the point the future held no memory of (Y/N) except for those who first hand witnessed their presence.

Some may argue that the subtle downhill change started when they were younger and had witnessed the death of their babysitter, while others may say this child was born cursed and would have inevitably ended up the way they did even without that event occurring.


(Y/N)'s babysitter was a young mortal man who was a friend of Rex Lapis. He was kind, often volunteering to watch (Y/N) since there were many times their parents couldn't. They were a clumsy child after all and since their mother was blind, she had a hard time keeping up with them some times, while Rex Lapis was always busy tending to his own matters and cared little of his child's well being.

The man would look after them for many of their youngest years, always helping out and being in (Y/N)'s life so often it was as if they had a third parent. Of course, that would only be a measly 10 years or so, but that small timeframe was one they would never forget despite living for hundreds.

The day he was murdered was like any other. (Y/N) loved the outdoors and was content with staying around their home, remaining in the Guili plains region most of the time when they adventured with their babysitter. Their exploration was encouraged since it not only made them stronger physically, but they believed their mental fortitude was strengthened as well.

It wasn't uncommon to come across higher beings battling it out during these times, however it was well known that the Guili plains territory was practically off limits. People only went there if they were brave or stupid enough. It was where Rex Lapis and many of his allies held control over the land at the time, and naturally his strength was rumored across Liyue because of his deeds.

(Y/N) had been rambling about who knows what, an intellect inherited trait from their father which made them much more knowledgeable than any other kids their age since they had a curiosity for anything unknown to them. Yet despite their smarts, they couldn't come up with an explanation on why someone would ever want to kill them. They were no older than 10 at the time, and of course they knew about the wars that would often break out and who their father was, but they had no part of any of that until this day.

Rex Lapis had slain many gods and vision wielders alike throughout the land as Liyue struggled over the years for a singular ruler, and a follower of one of these slain gods had sought vengeance. He was a normal mortal man who was solely devoted to this god, and despite his many weaknesses that made him so feeble in comparison, he would prove this devotion by defying even the mightiest.

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