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I am going to be releasing three chapters a day until the Inazuma ark is completed, they just need editing but its all done so i can guarantee the update of 3 a day! Enjoy and feel free to spam my notifications, I worked my ass off on all of these ! ;)


Inazuma's terrain is a sight anyone would want to view at least once in their lifetime; a spot tourists would definitely have on their bucket list. Upon first entering, you are greeted with glistening water and large auburn shades painting the leaves of trees. The color scheme vaguely resembled Kazuha's appearance, though the further you delved into the city the more distinct and striking the scenery becomes.

(Y/N) didn't take time to admire the scenery for even a moment as they snuck around the city having successfully avoided the Kanjou commission thanks to the lovely waypoints. Unfortunately, their thoughts had become occupied with much more stressing matters that prevented them from enjoying the experience they would have gotten if they indulged in it.

They winced as they recalled a particular set of words spoken to them mere hours earlier, their chest twisting in guilt as they lowered their head further to avoid any interaction with people they passed.

"A person I was looking for was besides me this whole time... you knew and you never said anything!" His voice had wavered as he previously made effort to give them the benefit of the doubt, only for (Y/N)'s guilty conscious to give them away as they stood silent and let everything set in for him without them defending themself.

Looks of betrayal were something (Y/N) could never get used to.

The way the realization would slowly settle in and faces would contort to horror and disbelief, and how they would first try to make up an excuse for the other person only to find their rambling to be futile-- were some of the most heart wrenching experiences to ever see.

There should be no pity for the betrayer in these scenarios, and yet this notion was something they wanted but should not be granted. The most undeserving of being forgiven are those who squeeze out the pity from people while twisting the truth to make them seem like the person who was in the right.

Subconsciously, this was always what (Y/N) did.

But right now, they weren't looking for pity, because the situation they had put themself in was intentional. A slip up that big wasn't something they would allow to happen without defense, but because it was a necessity. For the past few days, (Y/N) had been planning for that moment, hence why they approached Aether in the first place. It was just lucky for them that he mentioned his sister while thinking to himself, since either way they were going to bring her up and this made it much more believable that it was accidental-- and a slip up of pure betrayal.

Unfortunately, Aether would never be granted with seeing the bigger picture and getting a full understanding of what was going on around him. He would never understand what led (Y/N) to doing this and why they chose this option, as in his eyes this was a worse case scenario, but for (Y/N) it was the best one.

Getting lost in their thoughts while not looking where they were walking was a bad decision on (Y/N)'s part, and it wasn't a surprise to onlookers to see them bump into the blue haired beauty who was similarly lost in their thoughts.


"Shit-- Sorry." (Y/N) mumbled as their arms instinctively shot forward and gently held the arm of the person they had bumped into. Their fingers lightly wrapped around the persons arm, and in response, the person reached forward to hold onto (Y/N)'s so neither would fall, which succeeded in preventing them from collapsing.

Upon regaining their balance, (Y/N)'s grip faltered and their fingers slipped from the strangers arm as they took quick steps backwards to create some distance between the two. They blinked repeatedly and looked over at the person to check if they were alright, relieved to see that the only uncertainty was a brief startled expression on their face that was quick to be masked with indifference.

They had to take a double look as the person in front of them had a grace that was unbelievably elegant and composed. Their aura was calm and collected, though there was a brief moment of shock when they had bumped into (Y/N) from getting lost in their own thoughts because of Inazuma affairs unrelated to (Y/N)'s own troubles.

The stranger's slightly widened eyes immediately softened as they pushed back a strand of their delicate blue hair behind their ear, lightly caressing it as they did so before it dropped to their side in a polite manner. The blue garbs matched their aesthetic rather well and the blue vision didn't fail to get away from (Y/N)'s quick observation of them.

The two seemed to be lost in their own world as they ignored the whispers of those nearby in the public setting, the figure being someone of important social standing, so the interaction had quickly drawn attention when seeing them interact with this unknown and suspicious looking individual.

Realizing that (Y/N) had no intention of saying anything else and looked rather uncomfortable, the blue eyed figure decided to state their curious observation.

"I haven't seen you around... are you perhaps a foreigner?"

Their smooth voice snapped (Y/N) out of the stupor they were in as they went into motion once again, speedily shuffling past the person they bumped into as they mumbled under their breath.

"I've got to get going. Sorry again."

Turning quickly and futilely reaching out their hand in an attempt to stop this odd acting person, the words were quick to spew out of their mouth as they extended their arm,

"Wait--!" But their order would be ignored as they watched the (H/C) haired foreigner continue to walk past and allow the obstacles of the bustling street hide them away.

"--Ah, and they're gone. How strange."

He stared towards the direction the stranger had left in as he lifted his outstretched hand upwards and grasped his chin in thought— the clothing (Y/N) wore engraved in his mind. (which looked to be traditional to the Liyue region). He reluctantly shrugged and left this encounter to be forgotten in the back of his mind until later.

Ayato figured that if this chance encounter was destined, he would see them again and be able to satiate his subtle curiosity about their presence here in Inazuma.


Hidden behind a large residential estate, (Y/N) pressed their back against the cold wall that was a stark contrast to the warmth they were experiencing. The heat of anger and frustration radiated off from them, and as they gathered themself away from prying eyes, they were quick to mask away those negative traits with an ease that was enviable.

They shoved those overbearing emotions down and instead forced their lips to quirk up into a smile, one persistent enough to stay up no matter how much the muscles were straining from wanting to be pulled back down.

They slowly raised both of their arms upwards, hands approaching their face while their back continued to stay pressed up against the wall, before giving themself harsh physical incentive to pull themself back together.

They slapped their hands against their cheeks, squishing them against their face twice leaving a stinging sensation before their hands fell back and that smile began to feel less strained.


They figured they couldn't run away any longer, and with their plan in motion which included Aether's hostility with them, they could begin to bring their contribution within this era to its satisfying end. Of course, they knew some more time needed to pass before they had the opportunity to do so, but for now they would bear shouldering regrets and keep patient until it will arise.

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