❥𝟷.𝟻𝙺 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 ♡ 𝚇𝚒𝚊𝚘

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Thank you so much for the continued support of my stories! I decided to write these because of this huge milestone we hit on Quotev.

These next few short chapters are just cute things I made to thank you guys because I seriously am so glad this story is as loved as it is. A good friend of mine chose the characters, so thanks to them for the people chosen! I had so much fun thinking up prompts for the characters and writing them, I hope you enjoy! :D

1/5 - the rest will be posted as I finish them. They're already started so it won't be long


Bundled up in layers of clothing as to preserve the little warmth that their bodies produced, Xiao and (Y/N) stood in front of the vast lake that was located directly next to the giant mountain of Dragonspine. The two maintained their distance only because of (Y/N)'s continued loud protests of refusing to continue their plans with Xiao, which were plans that they had suggested to him.

Thankfully, there were no cold breezes and the air felt relatively still, but the temperature wasn't something (Y/N) could say they were fond of. The snow piled up at their feet as they stared over at the ice, their height slightly elevated because of the shoes that had blades attached to the bottom that they wore.

(Y/N)'s legs were as wobbly as a fawns, their eyes shaking in terror, and they definitely made sure to keep their distance far away from Xiao, who was waiting for them to approach him.

He thought they had given up on their protests since they had gotten quiet for a moment, however, another wave of negative thoughts flew out of their mouth just as he was about to urge them over to him once again.

"NOWAYNOWAYNOWAY! I'M GOING TO DIEEEEE!" (Y/N) yelled while tightly squeezing their eyes shut as if to will the scenery away.

Xiao winced at their loud voice before his head swiveled behind him to check the frosty mountain, noticing only a few tumbling areas of snow and not something worse like he was half expecting. He looked back over to (Y/N) and let an exhausted sigh fall past his lips, shaking his head lightly which made (Y/N) feel kind of bad for dragging him out here. Kind of.

"Shut up, you'll cause an avalanche." Xiao scolded, and their reaction was immediate as their eyes widened to stare at the terrain behind him.


They immediately smacked their hands over their mouth as they stared up at the mountain piled with snow, double checking there were no incoming turrets of snow ready to plow them over as if to tell them to be quiet.

Their shaking came to a stop as they went completely stiff and decided not to make any sudden movements, the sight making Xiao, for the second time in this minute, sigh.


"Listen, it's not as bad as it looks... just have confidence in yourself." Xiao lightly encouraged making them look over at him instead of the mountain.

(Y/N) noticed how he wore the matching scarves the two of them bought a few weeks ago around his neck— the teal blue color matching the undertones of his hair. His long clothes covered him head from toe hiding away all his skin, though his face was shown and the soft crease of his eyebrows told them he just wanted to go on the ice already. They thought it was cute how his nose and cheeks were tinted with a delicate pink, no doubt from the absurdly cold weather from this place.

They didn't continue to admire his features for long, instead with a much softer voice, they spouted their concerns so quickly that Xiao couldn't catch most of it.

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