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It was really unlucky that (Y/N) chose to wear a thick fancy black suit on such a blazing day. The clothing enjoyed the torture it was giving its wearer as it continued to soak up the heat, the only allowance for any sort of coolness being the button up shirt buttoned to where it was most modest and appropriate for the occasion.

They had the option to change, but the setting wouldn't feel right if they did so.

(Y/N) stood off to the side and leaned their back against the tree that wasn't providing them with much shade because of how the son was facing it. They didn't bother to move to the other side though because then they wouldn't be able to get a proper view.

The sight wasn't one they necessarily wanted to see, but more of something they had to. It was a promise they made to themself, something they would see through.

People gathered a few meters away from them and surrounded one section of the large grounds, loud sobs echoing as people supported one another with a shoulder to cry on. A casket was being slowly lowered, the time it took to reach its resting spot agonizingly long.

There were even nuns present who read a prayer out loud as everyone joined hands and silently listened, however one of the nuns began to break down into tears and could no longer continue. She muttered apologies before the other nuns took over for her.

The funeral went on for hours as speeches were given, tears were shed, and mounds of dirt was placed over the casket to forever hide away the corpse that remained inside.

All the attendees could think about was how it was a shame for the person to die. They were so young and never got the chance to fully live their life, and that's what made this all the more unbearable.

(Y/N) continued to maintain their distance as people steadily left, saying their final goodbyes and gave their promises to maintain the cleanliness of the grave.

A tall gruff man was the next to stand up to leave, pushing the spectacle up his face as he turned around and bid his goodbyes. Although many of the people attending had noticed the figure standing by the tree, none had chose to acknowledge them.

Not until now. Just as (Y/N) thought the man was going to walk right passed them, he seemed to have changed his mind within the split second interval of walking past. He turned around on his heel, hand raising awkwardly to rub the nape of his neck as he shuffled over to stand to the side of (Y/N).

"Ah, hello." He greeted as he sent them a small friendly smile.

(Y/N) nodded to acknowledge his presence, the curt shake of their head also an action of greeting, however they immediately got down to interrogating the stranger that came up to them.

"Could you tell me.. that man who passed... what was his name?" They asked as they crossed their arms over their chest and stared hard in the area the burial was being held in.

"Curious?" He mused, to which he got an immediate response of them nodding their head.

He wondered why they were here, perhaps visiting someone else's grave and happened to see this burial going on. Whether that took their mind off from their own grieving or they were really just intrigued about the person being buried now, he was happy to indulge in their interest.

"He was truly the kindest man I've had the fortune of meeting. His name was..."

(Y/N)'s eyes gently shut as they listened to the name that passed from the man's lips, the words sounding pained and his voice cracking as he said it, but he was quick to compose himself. He shared a little of the mans history and how he was connected to him, and (Y/N) listened to every word intently which was something he seemed to have appreciated.

(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open and they looked over at the man, who's spectacle was off from his face now as he rubbed it with a cloth. They nodded their head in his direction and he looked up to give them a smile.

"Thank you, I will make sure to give him my prayers. Im sorry for your loss."

He sighed in exhaustion, but nonetheless made effort to nod his head back as he pressed his lips together.

"Im truly grateful... please, remain safe."

Hours passed and no longer was there many people at the grave, making it become eerily silent. There were two who lingered longer than the rest and talked in soft whispers, and (Y/N) had patiently waited for them to leave. When they did, which resulted in there being no one left, (Y/N) decided to move from the spot they were standing in.

It was later in the day and much cooler now than it was earlier, so their attire no longer bothered them as much. They buttoned up the rest of their buttons as they walked to make themself seem more presentable even if no one was there to see them.

(Y/N) approached the grave and stood atop the freshly placed dirt, looking down silently at the stone for a moment. They were quick to make themself comfy as they sat down and crossed their legs, admiring the dozens of flowers that hugged the grave as if trying to keep it safe.

Their face of indifference turned into one of melancholy as they continued to silently stare at the grave, not knowing what to say or do.

"I..." (Y/N) started lowly as if they were afraid someone would overhear them.

They reached out, not even realizing they were shaking until they saw their fingers outstretched before them. They felt the cold stone under their fingertips and gently dragged it downwards, the smoothed rock leaving a cool sensation under their touch.

Then their hand curled into a fist, fingers hiding within their palm as their knuckles pressed against the stone.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry." They shakily whispered, taking a sharp inhalation of breathe from the pain of their own words.

They retracted their fist, moving it towards them before they slid their hand into their pocket. They took out a folded up piece of paper, one in good condition and handled with tons of care.

They stared at the plain back where their name was lazily scribbled to show the item belonged to them before flipping it over.

The other side revealed to show a colorful picture of a large group of friends in fancy costumes at a Halloween celebration. Each person either had looks of shock or sinister smirks as (Y/N) could be seen airborne from tripping and falling towards the crowd, while Hu Tao was slightly leaned back from losing her balance and coming into contact with (Y/N) to try and catch them. Anyone could assume what happened after the picture was taken, as it was obvious it led with many people tumbling to the ground along with Hu Tao and (Y/N).

They turned it back around before taking a pen out of their breast pocket and wrote with a small font a name accompanied with today's date.

(Y/N) shakily sighed as they clicked the pen closed and put it back in their pocket before carefully folding the photograph and putting it away. They stood seated for a little while longer before figuring it was time to go, standing up without peeling their eyes from the grave for a second.

Etched into the grave was a name and two dates, one of birth and one of death, followed by a lovely phrase that gave remembrance to the dead man. They read it and couldn't help but think it was perfect and accurate, but also so very painful.

'The boy who carried the burden of everyone's misfortune.'

One by one, all of those people (Y/N) was once so close to would continue to pass on. And (Y/N) made sure they didn't miss a single funeral.

Sometimes when they used their vision to look into a particular person's future and saw their upcoming demise, they would make an appearance in one's final moments and hold their hand so they were not alone.

No one would ever know this, but (Y/N) would make sure to give each and every mortal friend they had made on their serene adventure a proper goodbye.

After all, it's the least any courteous roommate and old friend could do. And just as the saying goes, even though they're gone, even if they hated (Y/N) or didn't care enough to remember them,

they would all still continue to shine like gold in their memories.

-Serenitea, End.

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